2. I've chosen to set aside 'true but useless' information & things over which I have no control and decided instead to focus myself on 'really good things' ... (Just for the JOY of it) ... a practice which leads me to feel motivated to tackle tasks around home with renewed enthusiasm. I find myself coming to the computer (and/or the days news on the television) MUCH later in the day ... if at all.

3. One blessing of retirement is freedom to choose how I spend my time ... and for the last decade I've delighted in that opportunity. Occasionally, underneath the daily joys of retired life is the nagging feeling that I'm not contributing to the world as productively as I did ... once upon a time.

4. I'm aware that my yard is a gift to myself and others ... so when I spend time there watering, weeding, cutting back exhausted blooms and preparing the soil for new bedding plants ...(Just for the JOY of it) ... we all benefit. Sharing photographed views on my blogs extends the blessings to this virtual world ...

5. ... in addition, I've continued my daily habit of sharing thought-provoking quotes (Just for the JOY of it) in my blog posts (as I did for decades in the classroom) ... but wonder if that's enough?

6. I miss connecting with others in the virtual world through blog visits and feel out touch with those I've come to think of as friends in the Blogosphere ... so I'm hoping to find some 'balance' between the real & virtual worlds as time goes by.
11. I'm grateful for the small market a few blocks from home carries 'half & half' so that I can walk to replenish my supply when I run low rather than drive to the supermarket. That acknowledged, I'm relieved to have to have fresh produce and food in the fridge this morning after a major shopping run yesterday ... and it's very 'kewl' to have saved almost $43 using coupons.

12. A good friend just got herself an iPhone and is very excited about it. I'm reminded that Verizon Wireless keeps telling me that I'm eligible for a new phone. I suspect they'd like me to upgrade my service to include a $29.99 'data' package, but methinks I'm happy with my current plan and 'low-tech' red flip phone. I don't 'twitter' and hardly ever check my Facebook account so it hardly seems worth spending more money for something I probably won't use. My main reason for having at cell phone at all is for the regular contact with my sister as she travels the Southwest with her husband ... Just for the JOY of it! 
13. My rose bushes are without blooms at the moment, but fortunately there are lovely morning glories and roses (like the ones I've shared above) in yards all around my neighborhood ... and I've shared some with you here ... Just for the JOY of it!
Thought for Today"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." Robert Louis Stevenson