Week 22: Faces at SacredRuminations and Small Reflections
Week 21: Rest
Collage: Cuties at Rest (at Sacred Ruminations)
Recovering after Taos (at Small Reflections)
Weeks 18-20: (under construction & hopefully published soon)
Week: 17 Melody
Week 16: Transience or Permanence
Week 15: Pets - One of a kind, Charly
Week 14: Freedom
Week 13: Reflection
of Taos & Blogging (at Sacred Ruminations)
of One Single Impression Prompts (at Small Reflections)
Week 12: Bleeding
Review of THE RED TENT by Anita Diamant
Sunsets (at Sacred Ruminations)
Puppies (at Small Reflections)
Week 10: Deserted
Week 9: - Flowering
My Garden at Sacred Ruminations)
Personal Growth and Blossoming (at Small Reflections)
Week 8: Color
Images of the Mind Revealed (at Sacred Ruminations)
Comeback of my Apricot Rose at (Small Reflections)
Week 7: Glory/Glorious
Sunrise (at Sacred Ruminations)
Glory (the film at Small Reflections)
Week 6: Stranded
In a Hurricane (at Sacred Ruminations)
Polar Bears (at Small Reflections)
Week 5: Laughter
April Fools' Day
Week 4: Spring -
A Colorful Offering from my Garden (at Sacred Ruminations)
Tennis Leaps (at Small Reflections)
Week 3: Circles - Easter Sunday (at Sacred Ruminations)
Week 2: Kindness
Week 1: Change - Introducing Molly & Ms. Kitty Coping with Change

nice posting.Oh by the way I've moved to a new site. it is now mjgolch.wordpress.com
Mike - Thanks ... I'll check it out when time permits. I'll be interested to know if you like it better than Blogger. Are you paying for the Wordpress site or using the free version?
Hugs and blessings,
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