breaking through the clouds
glorious sunrise inspires
hope in a new day

(Source: Photobucket - by camoslayer)
Click for other's participating this week in
One Single Impression
my 1st Week 7 (almost wordless) OSI post
at Small Reflections
"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Beautiful photo!!
Great poem, beautiful picture and an excellent quote. Good job.
I love this Haiku! When we're down-trodden, a new day brings with it a new perspective and renewed hope! Magnificent photo pairing!
Truly inspirational, isn't it?
a fantastic photo and an equally great golly "you done it again"(guess where I stole that remark from{hint a cartoon}).
Gorgeous! I'm always thrilled by sun peeks that cause such inspirational thoughts! Lovely words, as well!
Lovely words,!
INdeed that sunrise view is glorious. Love the haiku. So inspiring :)
Just a beautiful photo for those beautiful words!
Cats-Goats-Quotes – Thanks! I wish I could say I’d taken it myself ;--)
Your cats are beautiful!
Vixen – I’m glad you enjoyed my OSI post here at Sacred Ruminations this week.
WillThink4Wine – Your words warm me through and through! Thanks so much ;--)
Hootin’ Anni – Yes. I don’t get to see sunrise over the ocean where I live … so perhaps this photo draws me even more. I do see spectacular sunsets however, so I’m not complaining. LOL
Karen – Thanks!
Mike – I appreciate your enthusiastic support … and yez … the words have a ‘familiar’ ring to them.
Tumblewords – I find ‘nature’ to be most ‘inspiring’ where words are concerned.
Zoya – Thank you so much.
Sandy – Actually … so do I, but I’ll ‘settle’ for sunsets over the ocean ;--)
TeriC – I’m happy you enjoyed both.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful Wednesday and appreciate you spending a bit of it visiting here.
Hugs and blessings,
Inspiring words and beautiful image. I'm not sure about the way I'm navigating your blogs but I will get used to things. I'll be back!
Watermaid – I apologize for the way this blog is configured. I liked the way it looked and ‘went with it’ before I knew much … and now I’m pretty much ‘stuck’ with it until I learn more. I’ve only been blogging for about 6 months. The other one is more ‘user friendly’ but I’ve tried to add labels at the end of posts and links in the sidebars (in the About Me section) to make it simpler to locate specific kinds of posts. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for visiting again. I appreciate your kind words about my OSI post here. Hugs and blessings,
Very nice haiku. :) I feel the same way about each new day: full of hope for the good that possibly may be accomplished in the day. :)
This is really wonderful, Storyteller. The mystery of each new day is both magical and mysterious.
SandyCarlson – Thanks! I loved the photo when I found it … and the thoughts followed naturally for my Haiku ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Wow -- so beautiful, and the photo and poem together are amazing. It makes me look at a new day in a whole new way.
Yertle – Thanks and I’m happy to know this. I hope you're able to relax a bit this weekend. Sounds like you could use some ‘down time’ for your self ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
hmmm, I like the photo.
I know this quote, and I shake my head, yes, yes, I know this to be true, but still I'm soooo tired, I don't want to get up again, ...and still I know this quote, and still I know this quote to be I get up again...
His Girl Friday – Me too ;--)
I wish I could say I’d done more than ‘find’ it at Photobucket. I know you can … I know you can … I know you can … LOL
Thanks for the visit. I’m sooooo far behind on my own blog visitations!!! Hopefully I’ll find some this to do some ‘catch up’ this weekend?
Hugs and blessings,
Oh I like this SO much. It rings so true with me. I always begin the day in a better way when I am able to see the glorious sunrise.
Andrée – I’m fortunate that my living room faces East … and since I rise early … I have the pleasure of enjoying sunrise …(albeit over rooftops)… each morning. A truly glorious way to begin the day! Thanks for your visit to my OSI post from last week. I need to go read think about this week’s prompt.
Hugs and blessings,
That is just dreamy!
Lisa Marie – Thanks! I appreciate your visit and comment yesterday … hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday!
Hugs and blessings,
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