so today I'm doubling up with this new thing ;--)

I found this group recently whilst
wandering the Blogsphere
and decided to join
sharing ...
2. Although my irises & most of the daffodils are spent due to a recent 'heat wave' ... my roses have burst forth with blossoms and my Amaryllis just keeps on blooming (time after time) along with an assortment of other colorful flowers..

3. I've continued participating in a variety of new blogging activities mentioned in a previous gratitude post and tried a few new ones. In addition to Blog Your Blessings Sunday ... Camera Critters and Photo Hunt are my latest two additions.
4. The weather in Southern California has been warm enough for Molly and I to walk on the beach together several times ... and, of course, she loves to meet up & play with her 'fur-friends' on the sand and in the surf.
5. Betty blessed me (along with other blogging friends) last Sunday with this lovely rose award, and I'd like to pass it along to my 'regular' readers and all who visit and comment on this post (or any other) this week.

check the BYB Sundays Blogroll near the bottom of my sidebar here
at Sacred Ruminations or click on the logo at the top of this post.
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For those who participate in Sacred Life Sunday
click the logo below:
"Now I can let my imagination take flight as I sit and do some thinking, pondering. After a while, ideas begin to come to me ... and I hve this tremendous energy." Monty Cralley"Asking the inner voice for direction each day guarantees it, as long as we are quiet and patient. And the ideas that flood our quiet minds perfectly match the talents we have been given. What we have done with our lives and what we are still destined to do reveals our purpose. It's easy to discern it when we are quiet and hopeful.
Having the energy to pursue our passions will always come if that's our wish. Most of who we are, what we do, and where we are going relates to our attitude. Being tired, bored, scared, or unhappy are decisions, nothing more. Coming to grips with this reality has the potential for changing every aspect of what remains of our lives.
Those among us who are having fun are our guides. We can follow their examples. They haven't been given better lives; they simply are better at using their minds. We can copy them and laugh more too."
I'll do as much or as little as I please today."
Storyteller it is always a pleasure to visiy with have such insight to share.
Welcome to BYB Sundays :) Great post, and thanks so much for stopping by :)
Yes I must get mine sorted. I have missed BYB Sundays...need to get organised.
Your roses are amazing! My husband and I are just learning about roses. We tend four rose bushes. They aren't very old...just planted two years ago, so we watch them with bated breath lol :)
What a lovely post! Thanks for being a blessing in my day! Welcome to BYB Sunday. Stop by and see mine. I am also doing the critter one today and you'll find both ready for viewing. Although I know I receive many blessings each day, I usually focus on one I have a photo for. You have some really nice photos!
The roses are stunning, and I love your 5 really good things. :D
Mike – It’s such a joy to find your supportive comments as well. Thanks for your visit.
Sue – I’m happy to find this group of bloggers, but I’ve not had much luck today finding many BYBS posts. Maybe I went looking too early in the day? I appreciate your warm welcome ;--)
MrsNesbitt – Thanks for stopping by and leaving a ‘howdy’ here. As for ‘shoulds’ … I’ve given them up for COULDS because I’m for ‘options’ … not added stressors.
Deb – I honestly don’t know a whole lot about roses, but I love them … and I’m blessed to live in Southern California where they’re easy to grow. Some of mine are just a couple of years old … others almost 30 ;--)
Paulie – Thanks for your feedback and invitation. I’ll definitely visit in a little while. I did the ‘critter’ one on my other blog, Small Reflections, together with Unconscious Mutterings.
Jo – Gratitude posts are my favorite kind to write and to read. I picked up ‘Five Really Good Things’ from a friend when I first started doing My Sacred Life and I use the format periodically (sometimes illustrated, sometimes just words) … though sometimes it’s Seven or Nine depending on what shows up on the page as I type.
What a delight to find all your comments this afternoon! I appreciate you spending a bit of your Sunday with me … and hope you’re having a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
Welcome to the list!
I've found that reading the thoughts of others to the best part of BYBS. Sometimes I feel like it's the only time that I have been contemplative that week.
Bienvenue à Blog Your Blessing Sundays! A great first entry of five things... and thanks for introducing me to Sacred Life Sundays!
Welcome on to the BYB Sunday bandwagon...I have added you to the blog roll and look forward to reading many BYB posts on your blog (and I am sure they are all going to be as nice as your post this week.)
Have a great week ahead!
Welcome to BYB Sunday. It was a pleasure to find your comment on my blog (yes, you beat me to BYBS but my post is up now). I had to stop over and read your first post. Wonderful! Beautiful flowers.
Brandy of The Building Brows
What a gorgeous post. Thanks for joining in BYB Sunday.
I love what you have here. I have to look foward to the next flower, too.
You're an inspiration.
Thanks for your thoughts on my blog. I have infinite respect for teachers. God bless.
Whatever – Thanks! I enjoyed what others offered today and look forward to visiting more throughout the week ahead.
DoubleDeckerBusGuy – I use ‘Really Good Things’ as a ‘structure’ periodically … changing the number to fit what I feel like sharing. I’ve done Sacred Life Sundays for the whole 6 months of my ‘blogging’ experience (except for last week when time got away from me) and enjoy visiting others who participate as well. I hope YOU find posts of interest on that Blogroll.
Blue Panther – Thanks for your kind comments. I appreciate you adding me to the Blogroll. I couldn’t make ‘the code’ work for some reason, so I ended up entering each one individually from the list on your blog. I can be a bit ‘obsessive’ at times ;--)
(Jim &) Brandy – Thanks for your visit, comment, and the link. It’s late and I’m tired … so I’ll drop by tomorrow to read yours.
Sandy – You’re too kind! I always enjoy my visits to your blog … especially when I learn new things as I read your posts. I’m delighted to find BYBS and feel sure it’s a wonderful addition to my weekly Sacred Life Sunday posts.
Thanks to each of you for visiting and sharing your thoughts this afternoon. I’ll know next time not to visit so early in the day. I can be ‘over-eager’ and obsessive at times ;--)
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and have a wonderful week ahead.
Hugs and blessings,
This entry definitely makes my list of "Top Ten Favorite Storyteller Blog Entries"--the message seems especially relevant in my life today. I like knowing that boredom, tiredness and fear are decisions--that means I can decide to not be that way, too.
Karen – What a lovely comment to find here. I’m delighted my ‘message’ resonates with you and hope you’ve have a ‘marvelous Monday!
Hugs and blessings,
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