"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

Welcome to Sacred Ruminations

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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Single Impression - A Colorful Offering

Prompt #4 is Spring

colorful my yard
brings a smile to passers-by ...
happily I share

images of Spring
to those who remain 'snowbound'
in the month of March.

Click for my 'lateral' Spring OSI post at Small Reflections,
my previous OSI posts here at Sacred Ruminations
and for others participating this week
in One Single Impression.

Thought for Today
"The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers." Basho


Daniel J Santos said...

Very very beautiful, well done.

spacedlaw said...

A lovely yard to behold is indeed a blessing for all.
Great tapestry of flowers.

SandyCarlson said...

You have beautiful flowers. I appreciate your gift of words and photos!
Writing in Faith: Poems

Momisodes said...

Aww, thank you for sharing some of your Spring flowers :) There isn't anymore snow here, but cold enough for anything to freeze still.

Raven said...

What a lovely gift! You have brought a smile to this passer-by who is still watching eagerly for the first real sign of Spring. There are some robins and a squirrel, but I need flowers. Your garden is indeed beautiful.

jams o donnell said...

What a beautiful collage of flowers

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is quite a contrast to our Easter! I like yours more!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Collage! Spring flowers are so wonderful to see.

Maude Lynn said...

So pretty!

maryt/theteach said...

Most beautiful flowers for Spring and a lovely haiku! thanks for sharing it. And thanks for visiting me at my post! :D

Kayce aka lucy said...

wonderful spring offering. thank you!

Sue said...

Thanks for the walk past your virtual front yard - you have a way with flowers as well as with words! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes you brought a huge smile to me. This theme is getting me impatient to take those photos myself!

Tumblewords: said...

Beautiful! Beautiful! Still having snow here so this is, as you said, a wonderful break!

Lori said...

I wish my yard looks like that. How beautiful. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

Teri said...

All those gorgeous flowers just yell 'spring is gorgeous' come and look.

Joyce said...

What a cheery garden you have! Thank you for sharing. :)

storyteller said...

Daniel – Thanks for visiting and leaving the link back to your blog with such lovely photographs and poetry.

Nathalie (Spacedlaw) - I’m delighted you think so and it’s a pleasure to meet you through OSI ;--)

SandyCarlson – I appreciate your supportive comments and what you’re doing at OSI.

Sandy – Hopefully you’ll see some new growth in your yard soon.

Raven – Ah … and I’d enjoy your robins and squirrels. We’ve got crows, seagulls, and pigeons … with an occasional opossum ;--)

Jams – I’m happy you enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by ;--)

SusieJ – Yes, that’s exactly what I thought when I saw your kids hunting Easter eggs in the snow! I’m happy to share my flowers until yours appear.

EllenB – Thank you for your kind words here. The image of your Wordless post yesterday remains in my mind … for I need one of those in my yard!

Mama Zen – Thanks ;--)

Teach – You’re welcome and I appreciate your visit too.

Lucy – I used to take such things for granted until I became a blogger and encountered images from other parts of the USA. I’m happy you enjoyed my offering.

Sue – ‘Tis my pleasure to share in this way. Thanks for your kind words. If I lived anywhere but here … I fear my yard would not look so colorful ever.

Andree – How nice to know! I loved your OSI this week … so perhaps it’s what we don’t have that draws our attention?

Tumblewords – Here’s hoping the snow melts soon and Spring arrives for you.

Lori – Thanks! In addition to living in So Cal, it helps to be ‘happily retired’ … for my yard didn’t always look like this ;--)

Teri C – They do, don’t they? I feel so blessed to savor and share Spring with all.

Joyce – You’re welcome and I’m glad you think so.

How nice to find all these comments upon logging on this morning. If I’ve not yet visited your blog, I will do so later today. I appreciate each of you sharing your thoughts and wish you a wonderful Wednesday!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

A bouqeut!


reverently renewed

Unknown said...

Woah - gorgeous! Have a beautiful day, friend.

Unknown said...

Beautiful words and pictures.

Roswila said...

Thanks for the beautiful flowers. Although here in sunny southern California we have them year round, I never tire of the beauty. :-)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

flowers are so beautiful and give such beauty and hope

Jane said...

Beautiful. I am starved for colour here in southern Ontario. More snow yesterday, today up to plus 8. Spring must be on its way finally.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the colorful offering. It is much appreciated here in snowy Maine.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful haiku and collage of flowers, just what I need to see as we are still snowbound here in Wisconsin. Thanks for sharing.

Ingrid said...

Beauiful ! I very much appreciate spring pictures I am soooooo fat up with winter !!

storyteller said...

Gautami – Thanks ;--)

Chuck – I am having one beautiful day after another, and hope you are too!

Noah – I’m happy you find them so.

Roswila – Until I became a blogger and see ‘snow’ photos everywhere, I didn’t realize just how fortunate we are here with California’s amazing growing season.

Marcia – I’m glad to uplift your spirit with my floral collage. Your T-13 w/o power reminds me why I have candles all over MY house too, although I do light a candle each morning as I meditate and journal … and often in the evenings for a leisurely soak in the tub.

Hazel Nut – I hope the snow melts there soon and you have Spring color of your own to enjoy.

Gardenpath – You’re most welcome. It seems like this is a longer winter than usual.

Riversongs – I’m happy to share the color from my yard until Spring arrives in Maine.

Gattina – You and lots of other folks. I’m amazed at how many bloggers have posted Spring photos with snow everywhere.

I appreciate each of you taking time to stop by Sacred Ruminations today and share your thoughts.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Time to get out and smell the flowers! Spring is here!

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a pot pourri of delightful colour!

Nature definitely has the last word on beauty!


Hazel said...

hi, first time here. u have a nice blog

Karen said...

Basho is one of my favorite haiku poets!

Lovely, lovely photos! Very soon, I'll be able to post some of my own. (Yaay, Spring!)

storyteller said...

Kat – Yup … Spring's definitely here in So Cal and I’m loving it ;--)

Greyscale Territory – Thanks so much for your visit and your comments.

Hazel – I’m happy you stopped by and appreciate the kind words. I hope you’ll return as time permits.

Karen – Mine too! I’ll look forward to seeing your photos soon ;--)

I hope all four of you have a lovely weekend!
Hugs and blessings,

Sonya said...

Beautiful flowers! I can't wait to see some of these things blooming throughout my neighborhood!

storyteller said...

Sonya – I’m happy to share my flowers here until yours arrive. We’ve got drizzles this morning and apparently more rain expected throughout the week. I guess April showers arrived a couple of days early here in So Cal.
Hugs and blessings,

Mother of Invention said...

So lovely to see and hope for! Our snow is finally melting! Now we're having flood issues but at least we can see spring at the end!

storyteller said...

Mother of Invention – I noticed your comment ‘come through’ as I was leaving my new One Single Impression post today … on ‘Laughter.’ I’m happy your snow is melting finally but am sorry about the flooding. There’s a lot of that going on all over the USA too. This has been such a weird winter for so many. I hope you’ll have Spring flowers of your own soon. Thanks for visiting and have a delightful April Fool's Day!
Hugs and blessings,

His Girl Friday said...

Wonderful photos! :)

thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

storyteller said...

HGF – Thanks … and I always enjoy my visits to your blog. I read TB in Google Reader but still have difficulty when accessing SBH when it comes to leaving comments. You’re both in my thoughts often.

I’m sorry to be so slow in responding, but I only just found your comment as I was FINALLY clearing out messages from my gmail box. Life’s just too busy to keep up with everything these days … but I’m not complaining … ever! LOL

Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to have taken so long to find my way here. The snow we had in southern England a week last Sunday was very unusual although we haven't got a display of flowers that rivals yours in Southern California.

storyteller said...

Watermaid – I’m delighted to find your comment this morning regardless of how long it took you to ‘find your way’ here. Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ll return as time permits ;--)
Hugs and blessings,