on Weeks 18, 19, and 20 today ... seriously.

What is it about
babes and dogs? Connections we
recognize & love.
Photos from email received long ago
Click for my 2nd Week 21 OSI post at Small Reflections

and #17 will be there on Sunday
Misty Dawn started the meme and explains the rules here:
Click for others participating in Camera Critters this week.
"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." Carl Sandburg
That is absolutely adorable!
What adorable photos. Thanks for visiting The Gardener Side and checking out my Camera Critter photos.
Those are all precious! I do love babies and puppies. :)
i loved the one with the doggie and baby on the bed back to back!
all reflect that pure unconditionmal love !! sk
So cute! Happy CC!
Tammy – I thought so too ;--)
Crafty Gardener – You’re quite welcome. I love seeing what everyone shares each week.
Lisa – Yup … the two together seem totally irresistible don’t they?
Ratmammy – That and the one with the baby on the back of the dog (upper left) were MY favorites.
Sandy Kessler – Couldn’t have put it better myself ;--)
Tere – Happy CC to you too!
To all – Thanks to everyone for your visit today. I hope you’re having a delightful day. I saved those photos (along with some others) in a file for years … and hit on this idea today (now that I know how to create such a collage in Photoshop Elements). This was fun to share ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Very cute the two sweetest things together babies and puppies.
Great collage of photos!
My Camera Critter is posted HERE.
Hope you can drop by. Happy weekends!
Very adorable. Love those baby and critter shots.
I'm on adorable overload ;-) HOW CUTE!
Spot on, Storyteller! I love the mystery, too.
You're right, way too cute!! Love those photos!!
Ohhhh so sweet! All the babies together!
My Camera Critters Here and Here
Lapa37 – I certainly thought so and am glad you do too.
ShutterHappyJenn –Thanks! I’ve only just learned these Photoshop Elements Collage skills and it’s fun to be able to use them here.
Christy and Misty Dawn
Cute overload is what I was going for today … it seems I succeeded ;--)
SandyCarlson – Thanks. I’m still working on the ‘catch-up’ for OSI, but am hoping to post tomorrow and/or Monday.
Rhea and KahsheCottager
I’m glad to generate smiles due to cuteness!
To all – Thanks for visiting my 1st Camera Critters here at Sacred Ruminations (even tho it’s my 16th overall). I think I’ve been to everyone’s blog, but I’ll double check tomorrow morning when I’m fresh just to be sure. Hope you’re enjoying your weekend.
Hugs and blessings,
That is so cute what great captures
Way too cute! Babies and puppies go together well.
What a great capture, and soooo cute.
Julie says thanks for your kind comments on her paintings.
Very cute, great collage
Awwww... that middle photo is priceless. Wonderful collage and poem.
That's a great collage. Very cute. I like the one on the top right the most - the back-to-back.
I feel so nourished and cuddled myself just viewing these photos.
What cuddly cute kids and critters! :)
Lilli and Nevada – I’m glad you think so and wish I could take credit for the ‘captures’ but these images arrived in an email long ago and have resided lost in the memory of my computer until they surfaced while I moved files from my old XP to this new Vista system. What I did do was use the photos to create the collage and add the Haiku.
B. Roan – Methunk they do as well ;--)
Imac – I’m happy you enjoyed my post (see my 1st response re: the captures) and tell Julie she’s quite welcome (as well as talented).
Dick – Thanks … I’ve been taking a PSE6 class and it’s fun to use my new skills in this way.
Raven and Crazy Cath – Funny how everyone seems to choose a different favorite! Of course I thought them all cute or I wouldn’t have used them.
Roswila – What a lovely response to these images!
Joyce – I figured you’d enjoy them if you happened by.
To all – I’m delighted you were able to visit and appreciate your comments. I’m enjoying my new laptop in the cool evening on my patio as I read and respond. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend. If I missed your blog today, I’ll do my best to drop by tomorrow.
Hugs and blessings,
All thesephotos are great!
Thank you for sharing them.
There's something so appealing about people/beings asleep--a moment of vulnerablility...
I adore this post! Warm and fuzzy and full of smiles!
I love seeing babies and their dogs. I guess coz I like to cuddle with my dog.
Edward – You’re welcome. It was my pleasure to do so ;--)
Karen – Interesting point I hadn’t considered. I was just amazed at the connections between the babies and the dogs … so sweet.
Tumblewords – Wonderful! I’m delighted to generate warm fuzzy smiles in others.
Lisa (at Greenbow) – Yup … me too! She loves to cuddle with me too ;--)
Thanks to each of you for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
Hugs and blessings,
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