For fun, she's added a few more views (click any to embiggen):
welcoming all who pass by
Chattanooga bronze
girl extends a warm
invitation to explore
Tennessee's city
and perchance to rest
by the waters in this place ...
savoring moments.
* * * * *
Click for others participating in
Pensieve's 40PC today
Click for Haiku Volume #35 at Small Reflections
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.
"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." Lao Tzu
Bravo! You killed lots of birds when one stone! My favorite lines are your first and last, "savor" embodies so much depth and feeling.
In just a few words, you've captured much!
I loved how you incorporated the statue's location in your poem. You are the first in the list to do that. I bet the artist had the city in mind when s/he created that beautiful statue... and I bet you expressed the artist's heart.
Robin – I’m amazed how quickly you found my post … before I had a chance to leave a comment on your blog or enter my URL there in Mr. Linky. I’m relieved you don’t mind that I’ve ‘combined’ your 40PC with Haiku Friday … an activity I’ve done weekly for a while now and enjoy on Fridays. Thanks for your specific feedback. I look forward to seeing what others have done with this statue for inspiration.
Cheryl – I’m looking forward to seeing how others responded to Robin’s 1st challenge. Thanks so much for your visit and supportive feedback this morning. Creating this Haiku response to the lovely statue was delightful!
I appreciate your comments so much and will be visiting others soon. I’ve eaten breakfast but Molly is pestering me … so I guess I’ll go play with her a little while … then return to the computer ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Beautiful. Just gorgeous. And look at all the greenery around the statue. Wow!
I'm telling ya, that needs to be an ad, written in stone near the statue, inviting people to the city. I love it. Thanks.
I think that is the perfect place to rest and savor the moment.
Lovely Haiku!!! Thanks so much for the wonderful comments that you left on mine. :)
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Kathryn – Thanks. Pensieve’s photo certainly is beautiful and inspiring isn’t it?
Peculiar – Wonderful thought! Maybe I could send it off to some one in the city?
ChrisB – It does look inviting, doesn’t it?
Kim – You’re quite welcome. I found the diversity of everyone’s responses to Robin’s challenge delightful!
Betty – Thanks for stopping by and sharing ;--)
I appreciate each of you visiting my Haiku and responding in comments. I hope you’re all having a fantastic Friday!
Hugs and blessings,
I used to visit Chattanooga when I was a kid--my great-aunt lived there, and some summers, my granny would drive us down from Michigan to visit her. This is bringing back memories!
I like what you did with this!
Your 40 words or less is so well put together. Very nice.
I loved the haiku and photos from the gardens! They are gorgeous :)
Love it!
A haiku! How groovy!
Thank you, after seeing this picture now multiple times this evening, I've been wondering, where exactly it is located. Now I know!
lovely Haiku!!!
Hey I'm from Chattanooga! I don't remember that sculpture though. A lot has changed since I left. Changed for the better I think.
Great haiku
Wow, this is great. I love the combination of the photos and the haiku. You seem to be finding inspiration everywhere these days. It is inspiring!
Karen – I don’t think I’ve ever been there, but my sister and her husband passed through a couple of months ago on their way south to Florida. They’re currently in Kentucky … somewhere nearly Louisville.
Carrie Sue – Thanks … this was a fun challenge today wasn’t it?
Sandy – All I did was copy the photos from Robin’s blog and add the haiku … but I would like to know how to create a ‘cluster’ of photos like she did for the alternative views of the statue.
Mama Zen – Thanks! Ya know how I enjoy writing haiku ;--)
Chel – I write Haiku on each of my blogs every Friday (as do a whole bunch of bloggers) so combining seemed the best way to participate in both activities today. Thanks for stopping by and leaving the link to your blog so I could see what YOU did with Robin’s challenge too.
Tammy – I enjoyed seeing what everyone did with Robin's challenge too and I'm happy to be the one to let you know the location of the statue ... though I believe I learned that fact from one of Robin's posts.
Mariposa – (bowing graciously) Thank you ;--)
ImpostorMom – I’ve never been there, but it looks like an inviting place to visit if this statue is any example.
Yertle – Thanks … and you’re right about me finding inspiration everywhere. I feel so blessed (and excited) by the richness of opportunity available in this ‘virtual’ world … also most fortunate to have the ‘discretionary time’ to pursue my interests, especially realizing how challenging life is for moms like you … trying to juggle everything.
I’m delighted to find all your comments here. Thanks so much for making time to visit and share your thoughts. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
Hugs and blessings,
Very nice indeed! Storyteller, of the many lines you have penned, these are some of my favorites. :)
Hi Storyteller,
I lvede the little bronz you decided to share! the way you took the pictures was wonderful, as was the Haiku you wrote to go with it.
Joyce – Why thank you so very much for sharing your response with me. This is lovely feedback that warms my heart ;--)
Sharon – I wish I could take credit for the photos … but all I did was copy them from Robin’s blog and paste them here to complete her 1st challenge. I did, however, write the Haiku on my own. Thanks for visiting.
I hope you both had a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
Now that was extremely clever of you! Bravo! I am really enjoying visiting all these blogs and seeing how everyone interprets the picture so differently!
Yours would make a great advertisement! Well done.
Karisma – Thanks for visiting my dual HF/40PC post at Sacred Ruminations and leaving your positive feedback. Like you, I enjoyed experiencing the variety of responses to Robin’s challenge when I visited everyone’s post. I notice you have a poetry contest going on at your blog. I love writing poetry … but I’ve already posted at Small Reflections this morning and I do Blog Your Blessings and Sacred Life Sunday weekly here at Sacred Ruminations … plus I’m way behind on my blog visits to friends and One Single Impression participants, so I’m going to pass on this one for now.
Hugs and blessings,
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