finished and published on
2-3-08 at 2:43 PM)
Better late than never, right?

rain is on it's way tonight.
Drizzles starting now
yet the weatherman
says tomorrow will be clear.
Sunday comes the rain.
My brain does not work
right when I am sick and so
this will have to wait!
Sunday Continuation
Better now I feel
so I will continue this,
posting this one late.
Rain and wind arrived
early in the morning, but
currently a break
in the storm allowed
Moll and I to take a walk.
Rough the ocean is!
Wet-suited surfers
sit upon their boards and wait
for the perfect wave.
We are back at home.
I have put the kettle on
for a cup of tea..
Soon I will be warm
and I'll write a 2nd post.
Sacred Life Sunday.
I have finally
finished my One Hundred One
Things About Myself!
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story.
Haiku Friday Volume 9 is here.
To see my previous Friday Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post.
I'm glad to hear you felt well enough to take a walk.
Sorry to hear that you have been feeling under the weather (so to speak!) too.
Eve – I bundled myself up … even used a hooded sweatshirt to stay warm, but I needed to get out of the house as much as Molly needed her walk. We didn’t stay out long, but it was a nice break for each of us.
MPJ – Yup … it feels good to be on the mend. Seems like a nasty one has been making the rounds. I might have avoided it if I’d had the good sense to stay home, but last week I met up with some friends in the real world and picked it up. Fortunately it lasted less than a week. I can’t wait to get the perm tomorrow that was scheduled for last Wednesday because my hair’s an absolute mess!!! Sigh … just one more day.
I hope you both had a wonderful weekend and have a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
I love the phrase/line "and wait for the perfect wave." So much of time is spent doing--sometimes, the best thing we can do is sit still and wait.
Karen – Amen sister! One of the most wonderful things about walking at the beach (without Molly who is always on the go) is the opportunity to just watch … the waves, dolphins & seals, the surfers, the skies, the people fishing on the pier and/or enjoying the boardwalk … walking, jogging, or biking. When the weather is nicer, I often take my journal with me to write about what I see, think and feel. I feel so blessed to live here and grateful for what my leisurely retired life offers … especially as I reflect on the busy days of teaching in days of yore. I marvel how I managed everything back then, and if I had it to do over … I might have done less and taken more time to sit still.
Hugs and blessings,
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