to come back so Spring is on it's way!
and enjoyed the supportive feedback
left in comments.

celebrating my 63rd birthday this week
with friends in the real and virtual world!

4. I joined this nifty group of Grateful Gals who
practice gratitude daily and share
by posting in a journal online.
5. A friend made me
laugh this week by sending
this funny photo with the caption
"I can't respond to my email today because
something has crashed on
my computer."
8. After several months of frustration caused by my inability to access my MSN email account, I was able (finally) to log on briefly this past week and forward a few things to my g-mail account. The problem isn't resolved, but at least I've found a way around it for the moment. One surprising discovery was an email was from a classmate in my 8th grade graduating class at Junior High. Through some brief correspondence I've discovered that he's in touch with a close friend with whom I've been out of touch for a couple of decades. Hopefully he will be able to put us in touch soon.
9. I've followed through with posting Wellness Wednesday for the 2nd week (albeit late), and made steady progress toward some personal goals. I am letting go of old habits I no longer want and/or need.
"The answers within me come to my awareness with ease."
Louise Hay
Your garden looks wonderful! It's so colorful.. already!
Sounds like several other good things your way as well. :)
Oh, that giraffe! He's so beautiful!!!
Ahhhhh, flowers. They make me so hopeful :) We have snowdrops, aconite, and a few hardy crocus and daffodils here. The forsythia is starting to come out as well.
Spring, it's a wonderful thing.
I'm in love with the kitten on the sweet! There's so much good out there, if only we would look!
Chani – The weather is mild here in So Cal so I’ve had a few flowers all winter. It’s wonderful to see the bulbs starting the bloom and the roses coming back already. Yes … I’ve had some wonderful experiences this past week and I’m exceedingly grateful for each one. I hope things are going better for you as well.
Sue – I couldn’t stop looking at the giraffe at first. Her name is Margaret and the 1st picture I saw was just of her so I couldn’t tell whether or not she was “real” or stuffed. She’s very young in this photo … just a few hours old actually. So precious! I just had to share.
SusieH – Yes indeed. Spring is a wonderful thing and methinks everyone’s ready for it to come. How nice that you have some flowers coming where you live as well already!
Karen – It has me giggling whenever I think about it! I emailed it to my friend Carol and she’s been laughing about it ever since too. I’m glad you’re tickled by it as well.
Thanks to all of you for visiting and I wish you all a wonderful week!
Hugs and blessings,
What a neat list. I especially liked the cat on the keyboard--too cute. And, did you know that gmail has a feature that allows you to automagically forward all your mail from other accounts to your gmail account? I love only having one email box, and the gmail spam filter is really good, so I don't end up with all the spam I got from the other accounts.
The kitten on the keyboard is priceless.
Your garden must be gorgeous in full bloom. I love gardening, too.
Hi Storyteller,
Those certainly are nine really good things!! I enjoyed this post very much. (That kitty that crashed the computer is soooo cute!)
Ornery’sWife – Thanks for your feedback and the ‘heads-up’ about g-mail features. I’m gradually becoming accustomed to the ‘switch’ but must admit I’m learning the hard way … by trial & error … lots of error actually. LOL
DrillerAA – I thought so too! It cracks me up whenever I look at it.
AFF – I love puttering in the yard and it is pretty when everything comes back. Gardening in So Cal is fairly simple. That’s a good thing because my thumb isn’t particularly ‘green’ … but pulling weeds helps to keep me sane and centered.
Tina – I enjoy posting about things I’m grateful for periodically … especially when the things I share bring smiles to others. I’ve kept a gratitude journal for years (ala Sarah Ban Breathnach) and am convinced I’m better off for doing so.
Thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts. I hope you each have a wonderful week!
Hugs and blessings,
Sounds like 63 is treating you well so far! I'm glad....and that you got intouch with an old friend through this modern tech stuff! And I envy your spring look! Thanks for the crashed kitty pic..I stole it to pass on!
MoI – Yup … 63 is just fine with me! This tech stuph is awesome in terms of connectivity, isn’t it? You’re more than welcome to the cat crashed on the computer pix. I ‘borrowed’ it from the email. LOL
Ohmygosh … wait until you see the three purple iris blossoms that popped out yesterday and today when the cold, rainy weather turned warm abruptly! They’re amazing … and a few more of my bulbs are blooming early too. Spring has arrived at the beach here in So Cal!
Hugs and blessings,
The flowers are so pretty and I love that cat photo.
the Garden looks great,we just got snowed on last night and during the day.On If you watched dems debete today you know about that.
A friend of mine sent me the same thing he could not respond to email,I loved the cat crashed out.
and as the saying goes you are as old as you friend Oz remimded me of that then He brought up something he and I did 29 years ago,It seems just like yesturday sometimes.Ah youth when you did not know better and did not care anyway.
my son love those photo especially the giffare
Your garden makes me want Spring even more...Smiles
Yolanda – I can’t believe Spring has arrived in my front yard already! I may post more flower photos this morning for Wordless Wednesday. As for the cat photo, I loved it so much I used it at Small Reflections too.
Mike – I hope the snow clears for you soon. I recorded the debate and plan to watch it today when I’m not tired. I’ve written other places about how young I ‘feel’ within so I fully agree with your friend’s view.
Hazel – I’m happy to share all these pictures with you and your son!
Mary Isabella – Feel free to visit anytime you need a glimpse of what is soon to be for most of us in the Northern Hemisphere!
I appreciate everyone stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hugs and blessings,
Your garden looks lovely! I am starting to work on flower beds in my front yard, but my thumb is pale green and it takes a lot of effort to grow
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I always like meeting new people :)
Mo – Thanks for the compliments on my yard. Actually most of what grows there thrives on neglect. The main thing I do is pull weeds and water occasionally. ;--)
Stopping by your blog was my pleasure for I enjoy meeting new friends in this virtual world as well. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Hugs and blessings,
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