"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December Inspirations-California Skies

Click to embiggen for better viewing
13 views of my
Southern California
skies here near the beach

sunny every day
we've all got our fingers crossed
hoping for some rain

Click to embiggen for better viewing ...
and for others participating in Thursday Thirteen
Haiku Friday and Sky Watch
Blue Monday
Mosaic Monday

Addendum 6:33am Monday Morning
Delightfully, a
misty rain is drizzily
falling in a mist

just the kind of rain
Southern California
desperately needs ...

May it continue
steadily at this slow pace
to avoid flooding

while soaking the ground
raising water tables in
gradual manner

Thought for Today
"If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen." Richard de Vos


Pam said...

Lovely photos of the sky. We have had rain and more rain! I would love for our sky to look like this.

Anonymous said...

Great sky shots & I like how you have a photo in the background of the collage! That's cool!

i beati said...

mind blowingly beautiful sandy

Calico Crazy said...

Gorgeous skies in those photos, I especially like the pink tinged one. ~ Calico Contemplations

Maude Lynn said...

That shot in the bottom right corner is stunning!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I love this... all of the pictures are beautiful. Like the quote, too. Seeing with the heart is very important. I like to see people with their potential. Sometimes that's the only way to see them. ;-)


Sheila :-)

Martha Z said...

A blue sky day in Southern California. Nice collage.

Photo Cache said...

that st. exupery quote is one of my all time faves. have a lovely weekend.

Janie said...

Your blue skies are just gorgeous, but I hope you get some clouds and rain as needed.

Sylvia K said...

Lovely blue sky collage! They are beautiful. I'll try to blow a little rain your way!!

Enjoy your weekend!


Diane AZ said...

Beautiful sky pictures, my favorite is the close up of palms with pretty sky behind. I hope your area gets the rain it needs.

Robin said...

A really lovely sentiment, and I love today's collage, too.

(Sorry for the lateness of the visit - I just spent the past two days preparing for the opening my new etsy store - my head is still spinning!)

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful skies and photos. Your mosaics are beautiful.

Ebie said...

Beautiful skies! I hope it stays on like this, today was so gloomy!


Forgetfulone said...

nothin' but blue skies do i see!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

The sunny places pray for rain, and the foggy, rainy places like my neck of the woods pray for sun. LOL!

Carletta said...

I hope you get some rain but for now your skies are so crisp and blue compared to our cloudy gray ones.
Lovely images!
I love the quote on the first one.
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

impressive sky shots!

Gattina said...

Can't you send me these skies ?? Here it's all grey and rather dull !

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Palm trees reach skyward,
hoping to catch wayward clouds
before they vanish.

My Sky

penny said...

You always make the most wonderful sky collages. It looks terrific framed with another picture.

LV said...

What beautiful California skies you shared with us today.I really enjoyed all of them, but the first was my favorite. Great job and so happy you left me a nice comment.

SandyCarlson said...

Your skies are beautiful, but I hope you get your rain.

Dimple said...

Thanks for the visit, and I heard on our local weather that you might get your wish! I hope so, I know SOCAL is prone to drought.

Sharon said...

Beautiful skies! I love shooting the clouds but then I never know what to do with the shots.

Lori E said...

The word "embiggen" clued me into the other blogs of yours. Takes me a while.
Such a rich blue sky.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blue sky and mosaic.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

AngelBaby said...

Absolutely beautiful - do you live around Los Angeles? It looks like a beach I have been to before. I love the going to the beach and watching the waves it is so soothing.

Love and Blessings,

Carol said...

Oh! Those gorgeous skies! Thanks for posting those beautiful pictures!

deb said...

Nothing more pleasing than blue skies! Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!

Anonymous said...

Such beautifu sky photos. So blue -we have a lot of clouds here!

Chie Wilks said...

WoW!...your mosaic is really, really awesome.. i love the shades of blue everywhere....really awesome...thanks for visiting mine

SmilingSally said...

How beautiful. Happy Blue Monday.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Beautiful sky shots, looks like we are on the same wavelength with this. Thanks for the Photoshop info...now I know that the ps8 is exactly where I can start. I'll have to talk to Santa. I'm sure I'll have some questions for you after I get it...thanks

Cindy said...

Lovely pictures!

Carly said...

love the beautiful blue colors!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are just wonderful. So is the blue sky collage. Have a great Blue Monday.

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful sky! Always, don't ya? :)

Mary said...

Wish I could send some of our rain your way! Thanks for these beautiful blue skies -- I needed them this morning! :)