"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."
Cherokee Indian Proverb
1. Tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 64 years young ;--)
I'm grateful to be in good health with energy to learn & do new things ... pursuing learning all the time. I'll be celebrating at Small Reflections on Monday so I hope you'll drop by if time permits.
2. Last Thursday afternoon my Writer's Workshop finally started and it seems like it will be a good group. The course runs through the end of April ... meeting weekly ... and I'm excited by the interactive feedback we'll be giving & receiving one another.
3. My sister & I continue to learn about our Nikon Cameras in the photography classes at the Ritz store in Irvine and yesterday we walked together at the beach snapping many photographs ... some of which I shared today at Small Reflections.
4. If you're buried under snow and need a glimpse of Springtime, drop by Small Reflections to see the floral collages I shared there Friday ... and if you can help me identify the orange, yellow, & white blossoms, I'd be grateful. The purple blooms are early Irises.
5. For additional blessings, I continue to add something daily to my 'thankful list' in the sidebar at Small Reflections.
What are some blessings in YOUR life currently?
For others who 'Blog Their Blessings'
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the
Blog Your Blessings logoabove Really Good Things. For those who participate in Sacred Life Sunday
click the logo below:
Blessed Be ... and so it is!
Thought for Today
"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." Cynthia Ozick
I wish you a most wonderful birthday, Virginia!
I am so happy that the writing group looks to be a good one. I know you'll take full advantage of all there is to learn. :)
Happy Birthday! May you stay forever young, healthy and at peace with yourself and others. Blessings.
You already read my best belssing this week . . .
For you . . .
Many happy returns to the day of thy birth
May sunshine and gladness be given.
May God in His mercy prepare you on earth
For a beautiful birthday in heaven!
If I rememebr, I will drop by tomorrow to see and read about your celebration.
I apologize for my typos I didn't see before sending. Since you were a teacher, you can probably figure out the words anyway. I will try better next time.
A beautiful birthday to you! May your day and year be blessed!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May the blessings continue to flow...
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Virginia,
Happy Birthday to you.
Have a wonderful birthday honey. Big hug. :)
Happy Birthday!
I hope you're having an absolutely wonderful day and enjoying something you love :)
I'm sorry I missed your birthday! We had a huge snow storm here yesterday and my connection keep dying. Happy Birthday!
happy belated birthday!!! may your celebration extend throughout the year!!
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