and the Birth of a Masai Giraffe.

skies 'littered' with electrical
wires ... fact of life
in my neighborhood.
Maybe one day they will be
moved underground but
I'm not holding my
breath. I suspect they'll remain
long after I'm gone.

Click for a second
Haiku Sky Watch Friday
published earlier
at Happily Retired Gal
and for others participating in
Sky Watch, Looking at the Sky on Fridays
& Haiku Friday this week.
Thought for Today
"I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind." Leo F. Buscaglia
Maybe one day. Not holding my breath here either. LOL
Great haiku, as usual!
The big puffy clouds are fantastic. I wish I could squeeze them in my arms. Of course,then I would be all wet.
Those clouds in that blue sky look so cool! Great shots!
I have a surprise for you on my page, so swing by & check it out!!!
I think it's kinda neat to see the beauty of the sky through the wires. Weird, I know, but the sky is beautiful unconditionally.
The sky still looks lovely even with the wires. One of my own favorite sunset photos I thought was spoiled by the overhead wires, but the more I looked at it the more I appreciated the contrast.
It is hard to take sky photos in town without getting that litter. :) But these are fun actually!
The intrusion of man on nature's beauty...
The wires are interesting. In old family photos, they mark the early dirt roads in what would become the southern Connecticut suburbs, where my family lived. They haven't changed. I wonder how old some of that equipment is.
Someday we will understand the power of creosote and ceramic!
I like the puffs and color contrasts!
I love these photos. The electrical wires kind of look cool though.
I love the beautiful white puffy clouds! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
I try to avoid the electric wires, but these shots look good :)
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