I don't know how it happened, but somehow this post ... created in early October of 2008 ... didn't get published. Upon discovering it in my drafts folder today, I've decided to add to what I created then and share it today ... just because. For clarification, the originalThis morning's quote from TUT.com"One of my favorite things about time and space is that absolutely NOTHING can ever happen there that can't be seen as a blessings in some wonderful way."Perspective rules,
The Universe
post is in black and today's additions are in purple.

B R E A T H E and R E L A X as a means to cope with the churning in the pit of my stomach while listening to this morning's 'news' ... (something I usually avoid, but seem drawn into today in the aftermath
of the 2nd Presidential Debate and the 'financial crisis' in our nation). Turning
off the television is an option, but when
I do so my mind continues to run ... fearfully, so in some respects it helps to leave it on in the hopes of hearing some 'good' news as I seek to 'center' myself and redirect my mind more productively.
off the television ... and that may be a good thing. I know things
are likely to get worse before they get better ... especially when
I see charts like the one below from the Bureau of Labor Statistics ... illustrating why STIMULUS is needed NOW. The informative conversation concerning 'the rescue plan' outlined by Geithner yesterday shared on The NEWSHOUR with Jim Lehrer is worth a listen when time permits.
This certainly scares ME and I'm retired!!!
I'm open to discussion here and/or in email. Methinks the citizenry needs to be engaging in meaningful discourse ... exchanging points of view ... generating ideas and writing to our Representatives in Congress because doing nothing is not an option and taking hard party lines helps no one. Serious discussion and debate ... openness to alternative ideas ... and respectful discourse & compromise is required to stop the economic free fall. Together we know more
than any of us knows alone ... and methinks it's time to step up and participate in our Democracy meaningfully.

1. Gattina's T-13 at Writers Cramps with 'Telephone Answering Messages'Choosing to revisit and pass along posts like Natural Highs on each of my blogs and Quizzes too helps me to return to 'the moment' ... release tension & stress ... and redirect my thoughts more productively.
2. Frivolous Friday at Sassy Mama Bear's Cafe at the End of the Universe
3. Angela's Witty Wednesday featured foolish things folks actually said in court ... reminding me of an 'illustrated' post I shared here at Small Reflections a while back entitled Disorder in the Court.
4. How Times Have Changed shared by Jo at Teacher Says
5. Time for a Giggle or Two at Sylvia's View From Over the Hill
As for our weather here in Southern California ... the charts have changed a bit over the last couple of days ... so it's clear & sunny today with significant rain predicted for the weekend ... and lighter showers continuing through Tuesday. I'm delighted to report we've had 10 inches thus far and need about 5 more to avoid water rationing down the line.
"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer."
Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
It's always nice to go back and do a comparison of our thoughts and feelings. I too am scared to see where we are headed.
Thank you for sharing to day and I hope you have a great rest of the week!
I'm including a response I made on a blog on MySpace. I think it fits with your post. I am frustrated with the partisan politics that continues to grip our government.
"The problem lies with the leadership in both the House and Senate on both sides of the aisle. Rome wasn't built in a day and it will take more time to extinguish the fierce partisanship infighting that has dominated our government for years. Anyone who thinks it will just vanish into thin air is naive. Human nature is very slow to change.
President Obama will have to be patient but firm and outlast all of the partisans who are putting their party loyalty before the good of the nation. President Obama's mistake was to let the Democratic leadership in the house write/control the bill. He should have maintained control because the Democratic leadership is as rigid in its partisanship stance as the Republican minority leadership is.
I wish him well and I hope the members of the House and Senate put the country first in the days ahead. I'm a moderate Republican who voted for Barack Obama. I demonize neither party because I look at the individual not the party.
There are wonderful Democrats and wonderful Republicans but then there are the rest of them who are partisan fat cats, drunk on power and out of touch with the real world."
I do find it interesting that many on the left side of the aisle spin the facts and say that the Republicans stand is to do nothing. That isn't how I see it. They want to do something but differ philosophically with how the current stimulus bill should be written. Wanting different programs in the bill is not advocating "doing nothing".
I hold both sides responsible for the mess we're in. And sadly, the citizens are partly at fault, too.
It looks like they're reaching a compromise today so maybe things are inching forward towards cooperation but it will be accomplished inch by inch.
I know Obama will get done what he needs to get done. But oh, it is so frustrating to watch the two sides going at it like this.
The weather and economy here in Canada sucks also. :o(
Thoughtful and thought provoking post. While the politicians in Washington debate so their side can "win" the people they are supposed to be representing continue to "lose". Lose jobs, lose houses,lose health insurance (as we just did),lose money or retirement funds, lose their previously good credit ratings. Are they so out of touch that they don't realize that by the time they figure out how to "fix" things in a way agreeable to everyone that the U.S. will have become the newest third world country.
Things are sure bad in our country these day. It's scary how bad things have gotten in Michigan. I'm just hoping and praying things get better soon. I thank god every day that my hubby is still working and we can keep our home. I don't want to be a statistic.
I don't think any of the people in D.C. have the slightest idea what it's like to be one paycheck away from having the heat turned off or worse.
I don't even like to think about the economy. It hurts!
I've actually chosen to stop thinking about the financial situation--I find that it's too easy to get into a downward spiral of negativity that's of no use to me or anyone else. Both of Maryland's senators are Dems, and all but one of our Representatives are Dems as well--so my state is doing its part to push this through.
Coming from a blue collar background, being a flaming liberal (and proud of it) my whole life--it's hard for me to see the good in any Republican official (though I know that's not healthy) these days. Considering all that government does, I'm totally okay with putting money into it. (Roads, bridges, schools, FDA, EPA, etc.--those are GOOD things, people--do you want your kids to attend a school that's not vermin infested and inadequately heated/cooled? Wouldn't it have been good if the FDA had been funded well enough to actually prevent this peanut mess? Or is that extra couple of hundred dollars in your pocket more important?)
Ah, but see, I'm getting into that spiral. I voted my conscience in November. I can't do a darn thing about our 401ks and 529 plan. My congress-people are of a like mind. I have to let it all go.
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