Ruby Tuesday - Acrobats at the OC Fair
Scroll down for Midweek Blues
and Random Tuesday Thoughts
one acrobatic
act at the Orange County Fair ...
(click to embiggen)
Originals - straight out of the camera

Click to embiggen for better viewing
and for others participating in Ruby Tuesday

Invert with Poster Edges
Invert with Neon Glow and Poster Edges
Click to embiggen for better viewing
and for others participating in Midweek Blues
Just for FUN!Solarize

Polar Coordinates
Click to embiggen for better viewing
It's been a BUSY Monday away from home
so I'll be playing 'catch up' with
blog visits tomorrow ...
will be added in the morning ... because
I'm too tired & hungry to think
right now at 6:45 pm
Monday evening.
Sigh! I'm getting a later than usual start at the computer this morning, but true to last night's promise ... I'm adding my Morning Musings in whatever Random Thought manner they choose to arise (before I do anything else) ... as I sip my morning coffee.
1. The fur-kids have been fed and I've started a load of laundry, glanced through my email & checked my blogs for new comments.
I had minimal time at the computer yesterday, but am hoping to catch up with Monday visits today ... then make my Tuesday rounds.
2. I appreciate everyone who has dropped by already and I freely admit that making mosaics then experimenting with filters in Photoshop 6 is great fun for me! Sharing some of my favorite results and seeing how others respond is 'kewl' too. Thanks to those of you who take time to 'embiggen' the mosaics and share your opinion in comments ;--)
3. Molly still misses Jenke, but she's going to have a new playmate when Aloha (the Dalmation puppy who moved into Jenke's old house) grows up. If you missed these and have a few minutes this morning, you might enjoy: A Farewell Playdate, Follow up on Molly's Loss,
and Monday Multi-tasking with Molly's Yellows & Blues.
4. I continue to swim in the mornings for exercise (anywhere between 8 & 10am). Today I'll probably go over there around 9:00 even though the sun probably won't come out until much later here at the beach. It's more like June gloom than mid-August ... so when others talk about 'Fall' and 'Back to School' ... I find it hard to wrap my mind around the possibility that summer is drawing to a close when it hasn't really started (except for a couple of weeks of unusually HOT weather in July).
5. Listening to news of the multiple wildfires to the north around the Santa Cruz area evokes vivid memories of fires in Southern California and my prayers for containment and recovery go out to all involved. The dry conditions coupled with coastal winds makes fighting such fires extremely dangerous and difficult ... and I'm grateful the Santa Ana winds aren't blowing off the desert.
6. I'm hoping to put together a My World post about another Free Concert in the Park I attended on Sunday evening where a Dixieland Band put on a fun show and where several participants decided to 'dance' to the music! Great fun ;--)
Here's wishing a Happy Tuesday to all!
Thought for Today
"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." Eleanor Roosevelt