Following up on
yesterday's 'Sunflower' post ...
note the purple worm
Weekend in Review ...
reds, yellows, and blues abound
Monday Mosaic ;--)
Orange County - So Cal
State Fair Craft Exhibitions ...
neighborhood views too
... and for others participating in
Blue, Mosaic, and Mellow Yellow Monday,
Ruby Tuesday, Midweek Blues, My World
and Color Carnival too.

"The last of the human freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any give set of circumstances." Viktor E. Frankl
Just love that whimsical center photo!
I love all the photos and can't really pick a favorite. They are so bright and fun! Thanks for sharing.
Happy Blue Monday...
Sheila :-)
Your mosaic has great balance... and I also love the middle photo! Its just plain FUN!
Have a great week!
~Really Rainey~
Your photos are lovely, it is too difficult to pick a favorite. Fun Post. Have a great Blue Monday.
Fun Blue Mosaic.
Thanks for sharing,
I also love that centre photo - such fun!
And the sunflower with the caterpillar.
The purple worm! Great color wheel stuff...I love these shots!
What a fun mosaic. I love the blue colours, and how you've used a photo for the background photo, faded. Nice!
Love the fair shots! Beautiful blue sky as a background for all that color.
Looks like you had a FUN weekend!
Beautiful pics...
Happy Monday, hope you have a great week.
Happy Mosaic Monday!
I enjoyed looking at your mosaic ..the images were so bright and colortful and whimsical....very summery!
LOVE your blue mosaic...hope you have a grand week!
Gorgeous pictures of the flowers. Your blue mosaics were fantastic.
You've linked BLUE MONDAY up as only "blue" and it's hard to find.
Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.
Nothing like a little blue magic to brighten your day! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful images at Mosaic Monday. :)
More pretty sunflowers and a mosaic to boot! I think the photo you sent me is a perfect one for the Color Carnival! :-)
Very nice! I'll remember to wash the sunflower seeds before eating them - or keep them an extra minute in the oven when roasting them.
Thx 4 the info...and what beautiful pictures...thx 4 sharing, too!
Your mozaic of the SoCal State Fair reminds me that we don't live too far from Sacramento and the State Fair will be upon us in a couple of months. We've never been but I sure want to go. Your mozaic makes it all look like so much fun.
love those gorgeous series of photos, so lovely..
S.T, you had me worried with that big YELLOW flower on a Ruby Red post.
I like your Orange Country fair mozaic. It was worth finding. (I am not complaining, last week I had an old black Ford pickup truck before the RT. I was multi tasking too.)
Happy RT,
Marvelous collage of the Orange County Fair! Beautiful, colorful shots!
Have a great week!
The sunflowers are so cheerful and so is your mosaic with those beautiful blues.
I love multi-tasking! The mosaic is gorgeous as Always and the sunflower is so beautiful but what the heck is crawling in it? creepy lookin' worm?
wonderful mosaic
Happy Blue Monday
Great combination of these memes.
The fair looked fun.
A wonderful day at the state fair, blue sky and colorful red highlights. The centerpiece is cleverly mastered.
From Felisol
The birds...on a stick....I like those best.
My R T is posted now, she's a "Lady in Red" today.....
Have a great Tuesday.
I wonder who that ptetty caterpillar turns into when he comes of age...
That worm is tiny! And its purple. Interesting.
You've captured fun blues at the fair :-)I like the table full of glasses
I embiggened (love that word!) the sunflower, and what a magnificent creation it is!
Love the study in blue! Very nice.
A purple worm - never seen one of those before! Great contrast on the gorgeous yellow.
Nice vibrant shots!!!!
So lovely colorful post
FANTASTIC.... I love it :)
absolutely beautiful...
Love the mosaic, and the purple worm too cute!
Sorry to be stopping by late!
Oh...lovely colors as usual. Your collages are always so fun to look at. Thanks for stopping by at my Ruby Tuesday...
I like the center piece though I can't really figure it out what it is :)
Lovely collage ;)
You have some great shots in that mosaic - fairs make such a photographic opportunity. I like that contraption on the lower left??...very interesting.
Oops, mathias (above) is son was logged in on my computer!
Great mixture of pretty photos. Some very interesting with flying machines!
Sorry you had a problem at my blog, I hope it does not happen again.
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