This is my 35th BYBS ...
I awoke to the pounding of the surf against the shore this morning, and walked down to the water with my camera & Molly ... enjoying the subtle changes in the weather as the winds shift from off-shore to on-shore. Although Santa Ana winds blew most of last week, today they seem to have calmed down finally ... and by Wednesday or Thursday of next week we may get some rain showers here in Southern California. What a welcome change that will be. Gratefully these gusty winds have not sparked any wildfires. I'd certainly love to share some of our warmth with those of you out there dealing with extreme cold this winter.
I've enjoyed the company of my sister this past week, but unfortunately the Ritz Camera Classes we planned to attend on Wednesday afternoon & evening were canceled due to a 'corporate meeting' ... however, we're hoping to catch the series together in early February. I have enjoyed continued experiments with my new Nikon D60 .
This is my first attempt at ...
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Blessed Be ... and so it is!
A Call to Service - Inaugurate Yourself
Michelle Obama on the National Day of Service
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday-January 19, 2009
I don't know how I missed this until today, but perhaps others did too ... so I'm spreading the word here as I check out options in my area. The Obamas are directing people to this site to set up a service event or attend one in their vicinity. By entering your zipcode you can find opportunities in YOUR area also. Thoughts for Today"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." William James
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." Dr. Seuss