Purple is MY Color of choice.

Today's Flowers & Wordless Wednesday this week.
See also my other Wordless Wednesday
this week at Happily Retired Gal.

You need more Purple in Your Life
![]() Purple will make you feel ambitious, independent, and creative. And with a little purple, you will project an aura of individuality. If you want more extravagance, you've got to get a little purple in your life! For extra punch: Combine purple with green or orange The downside of purple: It can evoke sad feelings The consequences of more purple in your life: You will feel an increase in your artistic abilities You will find balance in the most chaotic parts of your life You will feel calm and will be hard to disturb |
"Fun I love, but too much fun is of all things the most loathsome. Mirth is better than fun, and happiness is better than mirth."
Thomas Carlyle
You Need Some Red in Your Life
Red will make you feel energetic, passionate, and determined.
And with a little red, you will project an aura of warmth.
If you want to feel intensely, you've got to get some red in your life!
For extra punch: Combine red with orange or pink
The downside of red: Red can provoke anger or rage. Watch out!
The consequences of more red in your life:
You will feel more enthusiasm for life.
You will have the confidence to go after what you want.
You will have a lot more physical energy.
That was a fun one too. Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
We have pansies in our yard, but the cold of the past few weeks have really done a number on them. Hopefully they will come back and we'll have blooms almost as pretty as yours!
Lovely to see the pansies. Nothing but snow in my yard so far.
love your purple!! my quiz came out as "blue" today :-) thanks for the link :-)
I realize I'm very late commenting here. But those pansies are exquisite. Red is my color, I seem to need the vibrancy of it. Actually I'm looking for your TT for this week, will keep hunting. :)
I LOVE purple..though I dont have enough of it yet. In Feng shui context, purple is supposed to be a great colour to have for 2009 :D
tt is a lot of royal purple there. :)
I could need some fresh flowers !
BTW I need more yellow in my life, lol !
I love purple. It's my favorite color. My poor little one is always dressed in purple. You'd think it was her favorite color. LOL! I'm going to stop by and take the color test. Looks fun. When you get a chance I have something for you over at my place. Happy Friday!
Apparently, I need some orange in my life...which is strange, because all I have to do is step into my kitchen! LOL!
I've been so loving the flower photos that you've been posting, that I bought a couple bunches of daffodils yesterday at Trader Joe's. Oh how they are perking up the house! I forget how easy that is (and cheap--$3 for two bunches)!
Those were my fathers favorites! Whenever I see them they remind me of him. Thank you! :o)
Hello, Virginia,
I especially enjoy the middle left flowers, the deep bluish/purple blooms.
Evidently, I need more yellow in my life. :P
Purple is my favorite color and I love pansies too. Great photos.
Just posted my results on my blog. It turns out that I need some green.
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