"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Friday, June 13, 2008

HF #46 and Pensieve's 40PC -- Corn at the Beach

Multi-tasking with
Thanks to Scylla at Law & Motherhood for this cool Haiku button

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Robin writes: For this week's Friday's 40-or-less Photo Challenge, here's a delicious capture from the family reunion we attended last weekend--a vat piled high with Silver Queen corn! I'm pretty sure I could eat my weight in it, but we'll have no estimating of how many ears that would take.

Instead, what thoughts come to YOUR mind when you gaze longingly, lovingly at my preciouses below? As with every Friday's 40, you have 40 words (or less) to tell a story in response to the weekly photo prompt. Don't linger too long, just go with a natural response to your visual queue--a caption? a title? poem? shortshort story? word association? You're only limited by word economy :).


uniquely prepared
in sea water at the beach ...
tasty memories

slathered with butter
salted lightly ... I could make
corn like this a meal

Explanatory addendum for those who may never have done this thing ... we used to bring a large metal container (ours was originally a 'new' metal trash can we kept & used just for this purpose) down to the ocean and fill it with salt water. It takes several strong fellows to carry it back to the fire pit and an hour or more to bring the salt water to a rolling boil. Place the corn still in the husk within the boiling water and serve with butter when hot. I was skeptical at first, but the sea salt gives the corn a wonderful flavor and I always end up eating lots of corn and not much else at our beach barbeques.

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Click for others participating in 40PC this week.
Do feel free to join the fun by posting on YOUR blog too!
Just leave a link so I can read yours.

Click for my other Haiku Friday today
Volume #47: Anticipation

For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.

To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.

Thought for Today
According to Garrison Keillor ... "Sex is good, but not as good as fresh sweet corn."


Mariposa said...

The photo and your haiku caused me to crave for corns!!! LOL

Happy Friday!!!

karisma said...

Sounds like lots of fun! I was wondering as I read it how it would be made and then you explained it all. Thanks. Maybe one day, we will give this a try!

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Wow, that corn sounds awesome! I'm going to have to try that someday.

Anonymous said...

I love corn. Especially on the cob & smothered in butter.

Kim said...

Love your 40 PC response. Makes me want to chomp down on some right now!!!

Mine is finally up...I'm running a bit late today.

Come on over!

Peculiar said...

How cool!! When I lived in Hawaii, I would have loved to try something like this. I'm not near an ocean anymore, but I do boil my corn on the stovetop in salted water, so I can imagine that corn being boiled in ocean water is just as delicious if not more so. Thanks for your post.

Anonymous said...

Great,now you have gone and got me graveing corn on the cob.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds amazing.

Tammy said...

Nothing like multitasking!
Corn rules.

NicciN said...

OMG, this makes me so hungry! Corn on the cob is one of my most favorite foods. I always request it for my birthday dinner. Luckily it is the right time of year to go get some.

LA Nickers said...

Delicious photo!



Joyce said...

That sounds SO delicious! Yum!

SandyCarlson said...

I enjoyed this poem and appreciate the how-to! The poem sure does recommend the corn!

storyteller said...

Thanks everybody for dropping by and sharing your reactions to my ‘corn’ Haiku (with directions). It’s been a while since I’ve been to a beach barbeque with enough strong young fellows to pull this off, but it’s one of those memories that lingers.

Hope you’re all having a fantastic Father’s Day weekend. I reminisced a bit about my Dad Saturday at Small Reflections in response to some Saturday 9 questions. This day is always bitter-sweet for me.
Hugs and blessings,

Karen said...

In the summertime (in fact, this should be happening soon), a pickup truck parks by the side of a road that we pretty much have to travel to get anywhere--and it's filled with fresh corn for sale! Heaven! There are evenings when we stop and buy a dozen or so, and make that dinner--just corn, butter and salt. Bliss!

storyteller said...

Karen – I know what you’re talking about. There are several local ‘Farmer’s Markets’ in the various beach communities on different week-days … and all the 'produce' sold there tastes so much better than what we can buy in the market. The white corn corn-on-the-cob is my favorite, but any fresh corn is delicious.
Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Hugs and blessings,