"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale
Welcome to Sacred Ruminations
I hope you'll look around & leave comments
then visit me at my new blog ...
Giraffe Journal
and/or website ... Labyrinth Journal
both self-hosted at WordPress
where I publish as myself
rather than under a
I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.then visit me at my new blog ...
Giraffe Journal
and/or website ... Labyrinth Journal
both self-hosted at WordPress
where I publish as myself
rather than under a
Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Monday, June 30, 2008
It's HERE and I'm DELIGHTED!!!
... not to mention DISTRACTED!
daily life,
good news
Sunday, June 29, 2008
BYBS#8 - Seven Really Good Things

1. I just got off the phone with my sister. We chatted for about 90 minutes as she & her husband drove along the St. Lawrence River (in the rain) from Ottawa to Montreal this afternoon, so we're all caught up again. I learned about their recent travel activities and shared news from home.
2. Thursday evening I met a friend (who I'd not seen in many months) for dinner and afterwards we attended a wonderful outdoor Jazz Concert at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center in Fullerton. I'm delighted we had this opportunity to spend time together and 'catch up' in the course of the evening, but I didn't arrive home until almost midnight and felt relieved that I was able to sleep in Friday morning ... one of the benefits of retirement.
3. My new Dell laptop has been 'shipped' and is on its way ... though I haven't yet heard from DHL Express just when to expect it's arrival. I'm hoping for an early delivery on Monday.
In case you missed my previous post, this is the machine I ordered 18 days ago ... and I'm hopeful that my 'computer woes' will end once it gets here. It was supposed to arrive on or before last Thursday (June 26th) ... but apparently a massive fire in a battery plant last March created supply challenges for Dell. It would have been nice to know this 'up front' ... but all's well that ends well.
4. I've enjoyed watching tennis matches from Wimbledon (recorded on my DVR while I was in class last week), and am finally caught up since there's no play on 'the middle Sunday' of this Championship. Play resumes tomorrow, and I'll be here watching the 'round of sixteen' matches (as long as the weather there remains dry).
Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS vs. Agnieszka Radwanska (POL)
Nicole Vaidisova (CZE) vs. Chakvetadze (RUS)
Venus Williams (USA) vs. Alisa Kleybanova (RUS)
Serena Williams (USA) vs. Bethanie Mattek (USA)
Roger Federer (Switzerland) vs. Leyton Hewitt (Australia)
Mikhail Youzhny (Russia) vs. Rafael Nadal (Spain)
Marat Safin (Russia) vs. Stanislas Wawrinka (Swiss)
Richard Gasquet (of France) vs. Andy Murray (the Scotsman claimed by Great Britain now that Tim Hennman has retired)
In addition to these there are 8 more singles matches, along with Mens and Womens Doubles (and Mixed Doubles) play ... so it promises to be an excellent day.
5. While it's disappointing that Andy Roddick, James Blake, and the other American men aren't there for week 2 ... with the Williams sisters on separate sides of 'the draw' (and Bethanie Mattek, another American woman left standing) ... it's possible to have an All -American women's Championship match, and that's very cool.
6. Happily, I'm enjoying my Photoshop Elements Classes still, and learning more each week. We're beginning to use our own photos in our projects as we practice using the tools. I'll share some of those one day next week in a separate post rather than trying to do it today.
7. With Lucy, the Golden Doodle visiting in the neighborhood this week (featured in Camera Critters #12 at Small Reflections), Molly's a happier pooch because she had lots of doggie play time each day.
Thought for Today
"The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence.' Albert Ellis
2. Thursday evening I met a friend (who I'd not seen in many months) for dinner and afterwards we attended a wonderful outdoor Jazz Concert at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center in Fullerton. I'm delighted we had this opportunity to spend time together and 'catch up' in the course of the evening, but I didn't arrive home until almost midnight and felt relieved that I was able to sleep in Friday morning ... one of the benefits of retirement.
3. My new Dell laptop has been 'shipped' and is on its way ... though I haven't yet heard from DHL Express just when to expect it's arrival. I'm hoping for an early delivery on Monday.

4. I've enjoyed watching tennis matches from Wimbledon (recorded on my DVR while I was in class last week), and am finally caught up since there's no play on 'the middle Sunday' of this Championship. Play resumes tomorrow, and I'll be here watching the 'round of sixteen' matches (as long as the weather there remains dry).
Some of Monday's Round of 16 Matches Scheduled
Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS vs. Agnieszka Radwanska (POL)
Nicole Vaidisova (CZE) vs. Chakvetadze (RUS)
Venus Williams (USA) vs. Alisa Kleybanova (RUS)
Serena Williams (USA) vs. Bethanie Mattek (USA)
Roger Federer (Switzerland) vs. Leyton Hewitt (Australia)
Mikhail Youzhny (Russia) vs. Rafael Nadal (Spain)
Marat Safin (Russia) vs. Stanislas Wawrinka (Swiss)
Richard Gasquet (of France) vs. Andy Murray (the Scotsman claimed by Great Britain now that Tim Hennman has retired)
In addition to these there are 8 more singles matches, along with Mens and Womens Doubles (and Mixed Doubles) play ... so it promises to be an excellent day.
5. While it's disappointing that Andy Roddick, James Blake, and the other American men aren't there for week 2 ... with the Williams sisters on separate sides of 'the draw' (and Bethanie Mattek, another American woman left standing) ... it's possible to have an All -American women's Championship match, and that's very cool.
6. Happily, I'm enjoying my Photoshop Elements Classes still, and learning more each week. We're beginning to use our own photos in our projects as we practice using the tools. I'll share some of those one day next week in a separate post rather than trying to do it today.
7. With Lucy, the Golden Doodle visiting in the neighborhood this week (featured in Camera Critters #12 at Small Reflections), Molly's a happier pooch because she had lots of doggie play time each day.
For others who 'Blog Their Blessings'
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the logo
at the top of this post.
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the logo
at the top of this post.
For those who participate in Sacred Life Sunday
click the logo below:
click the logo below:

"The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence.' Albert Ellis
My Sacred Life,
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Photo Hunt #7 Bright ... and 'mouse' musings
This is my 7th ...
(but the 1st 6 are at Small Reflections)

After the rain came ...
Bright Skies

(Next week's theme is: Pointed)
~ ~ ~

the Blogthing below at Misty Dawn's last week
but because I was overly busy, I
didn't actually take the Quiz
until this morning ...
and when these results showed up I experienced surprise ... almost skipped sharing this one at all ... but then decided to reminisce a bit about 'my mouse persona' of yesteryear ... musing in personal reflection mode to see what comes up ... something I've not done here in quite a while.
You Were a Mouse
You quietly examine life's lessons
and see multiple meanings in things.
You are also good at discovering details and
remaining in the background.
and see multiple meanings in things.
You are also good at discovering details and
remaining in the background.
What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O'Brien (1971) has long been one of my favorite children's books, and for a long time I strongly identified with the main character ... a mouse by the name of Mrs. Frisby who rises to the occasion in a big way ... discovering she's able to face her fears & handle dangerously challenging situations in resourceful ways. In fact, I adopted a variation of her name as the 'handle' I used when I first explored online interaction ... way back before the World Wide Web existed as the Internet we know and love today.
I believe it serendipitous today that I'm reminded of this currently, and although I anticipated being some sort of canine critter, methinks I'm okay with the finding of 'mouse' ... and the two descriptors do feel like a 'fit' as I type this now. I'm glad to be reminded that I, like Mrs. Frisby, have risen to the occasion whenever I've faced MY fears ... and that's a good think to know.
Thought for Today
"If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it." Toni Morrison
I believe it serendipitous today that I'm reminded of this currently, and although I anticipated being some sort of canine critter, methinks I'm okay with the finding of 'mouse' ... and the two descriptors do feel like a 'fit' as I type this now. I'm glad to be reminded that I, like Mrs. Frisby, have risen to the occasion whenever I've faced MY fears ... and that's a good think to know.
Thought for Today
"If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it." Toni Morrison
personal reflection,
Friday, June 27, 2008
A Medley of Happy Things 'n Stuph
I'm multi-tasking again today with

HF #50 ... OSI Week 17 ... 40PC ... plus Things 'n Stuph
Running late ... feeling
quite relieved today because
my Dell's on it's way
and could arrive soon
(although later than promised).
Earlier I shared
ups & downs reading
two emails received from Dell ...
HF 51.
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.
(To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.
(To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me).

Happy Music fills
my mind as I patiently
wait delivery.
DHL Express
has my Dell laptop and could
bring it here today
or tomorrow ... so
as I'm watching Wimbledon
and typing this post
my attention is
also focused on the street
watching for their truck ;--)
Click for others participating in OSI this week.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Of Week 9's 40PC prompt, Robin writes:
"This week's Friday's 40-or-less Photo Challenge is simple but with the potential for great fun.
Salt and pepper shakers.
Taken for granted and nothing trendy or glamorous about 'em, salt and pepper make THE difference in everything they season. While I've never known either to be the "secret ingredient" in a recipe, leave one or both out, and even if you can't put your finger on it, you KNOW something's missing."
Salt & pepper bring
me thoughts of two special friends
living here with me.
Can you guess who I
have in mind as you read these
words upon the page?
Ms. Kitty is one
and the other is Molly.
Spicy fur-critters!
Click for others participating in 40PC this week.
It's day 5 at Wimbledon and the weather's been wonderful, however today they had their first 'rain delay' ... but play resumed after about 90 minutes or so. I'm watching Federer playing Gicquel on Center Court at the moment ... about 5 hours behind schedule with the other matches recorded on DVR, so as I await delivery of my new laptop ... I'll be watching tennis and visiting blogs after I take Molly for a walk. She's been very patient with me this morning.
Thought for Today
"The map is not the territory." Alfred Korzybski
Thought for Today
"The map is not the territory." Alfred Korzybski
daily life,
Haiku Friday,
One Single Impression,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
BYBS #7 - OSI Week 16 - Sacred Life Sunday
Yes ... I'm multi-tasking big time
hoping to catch up and get myself back on track,
though I realize I'm a week behind with OSI.
Better late than never, right?
I'm getting an earlier start this morning ... have just finished posting twice at Small Reflections -- Camera Critters & Unconscious Mutterings and Belated Saturday 'Stuph' -- and hope you'll visit when time permits.
This old workhorse of a laptop is hanging in there pretty well as long as I exercise P A T I E N C E and don't try to rush anything. Waiting until late afternoon hasn't worked too well ... especially in this unusual HEAT! I'm trying to use it all as a meditation somehow ... and that leads me to
hoping to catch up and get myself back on track,
though I realize I'm a week behind with OSI.
Better late than never, right?

This old workhorse of a laptop is hanging in there pretty well as long as I exercise P A T I E N C E and don't try to rush anything. Waiting until late afternoon hasn't worked too well ... especially in this unusual HEAT! I'm trying to use it all as a meditation somehow ... and that leads me to
Transience or Permanence
'And it came to pass ...'
Biblical phrase that reminds
me that all things change.
~ ~ ~
'And it came to pass ...'
Biblical phrase that reminds
me that all things change.
~ ~ ~
12 killed in Iraq
and Afghanistan this week
5 were just 19
4 in their 20s
2 in their 30s and the
last one was 40.
How many more lives
must be lost before we learn
war is obsolete?
and Afghanistan this week
5 were just 19
4 in their 20s
2 in their 30s and the
last one was 40.
How many more lives
must be lost before we learn
war is obsolete?
For others who 'Blog Their Blessings'
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the logo
at the top of this post.
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the logo
at the top of this post.
For those who participate in Sacred Life Sunday
click the logo below:
click the logo below:
Thought for Today
"It's not so much that we're aftraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it's that place in between that we fear .... It's like being between trapezes. It's Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There's nothing to hold on to." Marilyn Ferguson
"It's not so much that we're aftraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it's that place in between that we fear .... It's like being between trapezes. It's Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There's nothing to hold on to." Marilyn Ferguson
Friday, June 20, 2008
HF #48 - Running Late but Feeling Grateful and Sharing a bit of Love Today

Scroll down for my 1st Attitude of Gratitude post!
I'm multi-tasking with

Posting later than
usual because I've made
Blog alterations!
I'll explain in my
Haiku Friday 49
at Small Reflections
just as soon as I
finish and publish my post.
Have you heart of this?
~ ~ ~
Some time ago while meandering in the Blogosphere ...(using the One Single Impression 'feed' in Google Reader before my computer started giving me problems) ... I encountered this 'logo' and saved it with the intention of participating. I don't recall whether or not I ever did so ... and my computer won't let me 'check' at the moment without locking up and shutting down.
In any case, I've decided to share it today here and am hoping I'll be able to track down the 'source' to add a link at some point because (although I've experienced a few 'challenges' lately ... I've also been blessed in lovely ways and that's what I choose to focus my attention on today, just as I did in my previous post ... 7 Really Good Things.
Here are 3 more Really Good Things!
1. It's been a while since I've spent any time on the 'deck' above my garage, but when I went up there on Monday (to see what or who Molly was barking at in the alley) ... I noticed the most amazing thing. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to fetch my camera initially, but instead I picked these.

Apparently some birds 'planted' the seeds for me in an 'abandoned' planter, and we got adequate rain to nurture the plant enough produce these cherry tomatoes. Who knew? They taste delicious ... even though THIS is what the poor neglected tomato plant on my deck actually looks like. I've added some water and will watch to see what happens next ;--)

2. Recently, Rhonda (who sometimes goes as Chuck) shared her photographic creativity in a last Wednesday's Wordless Wednesday post and asked readers to guess what the subject might be. She made and bestowed THIS nifty award on those of us who guessed 'in the ballpark' ... and I'm oh so proud of myself ;--)

A while before that, Chuck passed this Sharing The Love Award along to me. It was created by Memoirs of A Mommy in honor the donor who saved her son Noah's life with a heart transplant. Her hopes are that we can create more awareness of the importance of organ donation by passing this award onto others.
I'd like to share both of these awards today with all who drop by ... and I hope you'll share the love with your blogging buddies too. We all enjoy 'link-love' and comments ... just because ;--)
Thought for Today
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." Winston Churchill
In any case, I've decided to share it today here and am hoping I'll be able to track down the 'source' to add a link at some point because (although I've experienced a few 'challenges' lately ... I've also been blessed in lovely ways and that's what I choose to focus my attention on today, just as I did in my previous post ... 7 Really Good Things.
Here are 3 more Really Good Things!
1. It's been a while since I've spent any time on the 'deck' above my garage, but when I went up there on Monday (to see what or who Molly was barking at in the alley) ... I noticed the most amazing thing. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to fetch my camera initially, but instead I picked these.
Apparently some birds 'planted' the seeds for me in an 'abandoned' planter, and we got adequate rain to nurture the plant enough produce these cherry tomatoes. Who knew? They taste delicious ... even though THIS is what the poor neglected tomato plant on my deck actually looks like. I've added some water and will watch to see what happens next ;--)
2. Recently, Rhonda (who sometimes goes as Chuck) shared her photographic creativity in a last Wednesday's Wordless Wednesday post and asked readers to guess what the subject might be. She made and bestowed THIS nifty award on those of us who guessed 'in the ballpark' ... and I'm oh so proud of myself ;--)

A while before that, Chuck passed this Sharing The Love Award along to me. It was created by Memoirs of A Mommy in honor the donor who saved her son Noah's life with a heart transplant. Her hopes are that we can create more awareness of the importance of organ donation by passing this award onto others.

The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**3. According to Dell, the 'status' of my order is 'still in production' ... and according to Patricia (who took my order on the 12th of June), it's still 'scheduled to ship on time' ... although a company that supplies Dell with batteries has experienced a 'major fire' ... resulting in 'some of the battery quantities being backlogged' ... but I'm hoping for the best and holding nothing but positive thoughts as I struggle along with this sold, old 'workhorse' of a machine ... doing what I can to 'fix' issues with my blogs and visiting others when it will allow me to do so.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Saturday Addendum: 4:50 am
I've added a 'click-able link' to Mama Om's
Attitude of Gratitude graphic above
(where you'll find more info and directions),
and here's a link to others participating this week.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.
To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.
Saturday Addendum: 4:50 am
I've added a 'click-able link' to Mama Om's
Attitude of Gratitude graphic above
(where you'll find more info and directions),
and here's a link to others participating this week.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.
To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.
Thought for Today
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." Winston Churchill
Haiku Friday,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
BYBS #6 and SSS - 7 Really Good Things

1. I've added this as #1 at the top and 'renumbered' the rest because I learned finally how to get the photos and text 'lined up' (sort of) the way I'd like. I hope doing so doesn't mess up what comes below. Blogger certainly doesn't make this task easy ... but it's a measure of how much I've learned in these first 7 months of blogging to succeed. Just compare THIS post with one of my first ... where photos went wherever they wanted despite my best attempts to 'arrange' them to see what I mean.
I apologize to anyone who happened by whilst I was working on this task ... because the only way I could make it work was to publish it multiple times ... and look at it in one window while editing it in another. If anyone knows a simpler way, I'm open to suggestions ... and if anyone has questions for me, I'm happy to share what I've discovered through trial and error.
2. I find a few fresh strawberries each day in my yard and they taste soooo good! Makes me think I could go buy some new plants to add to my garden ... and maybe I will ;--)
3. The 'gopher' seems to have moved on without destroying the roots of my Hydrangea ...(or any other plants in my yard)... and for this I'm grateful.
I took THIS photo late yesterday afternoon, but shared a 'collage' (made with Photoshop rather than Picasa) of the 'evolution' of this Hydrangea at Small Reflections on Wednesday of last week.
4. My roses are coming back and getting ready to bloom all over again this Spring ...
and (although I don't recall the name of this flowering potted plant, it's finally come back and started to bloom with some measure of regularity ... though the flowers don't last long when they do show up.
5. It's such fun to watch Labs play with one another. I shared a photo earlier this morning at Small Reflections of Jenke & Molly 'pausing to catch their breath' after playing together on Saturday afternoon.
This afternoon they played together again ... then Jenke's dad offered them healthy treats with Glucosamine, otherwise known as 'joint juice' ... and they both waited with 'manners' for their snack. Aren't they sweet?
6. While sitting on my front patio ... breathing and taking in the beauty of my Hydrangea and the returning roses (after Molly & Jenke played for the 3rd day in a row), I snapped these two photos late yesterday afternoon.
7. As I shared at Small Reflections in my 47th Haiku Friday - Anticipation ...

Closing thoughts:
How about that Tiger Woods? One wonders how he manages to do this time & again. I'm happy to be around today to catch the final round and hope they both play well.
For family members, friends & neighbors who experienced frustration in game 4 and held their breath in game 5 ... 'Go Lakers!'
My heart goes out to all those affected by the flooding in the Midwest ... to the family of Tim Russert (along with all of us who will miss his presence on Sundays) ... and to everyone dealing with difficulty today. May God bless, keep, and give us peace ... now and always.
Thought for Today
"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you?'" William A. Ward
Friday, June 13, 2008
HF #46 and Pensieve's 40PC -- Corn at the Beach
Multi-tasking with

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Instead, what thoughts come to YOUR mind when you gaze longingly, lovingly at my preciouses below? As with every Friday's 40, you have 40 words (or less) to tell a story in response to the weekly photo prompt. Don't linger too long, just go with a natural response to your visual queue--a caption? a title? poem? shortshort story? word association? You're only limited by word economy :).
uniquely prepared
in sea water at the beach ...
tasty memories
slathered with butter
salted lightly ... I could make
corn like this a meal
Explanatory addendum for those who may never have done this thing ... we used to bring a large metal container (ours was originally a 'new' metal trash can we kept & used just for this purpose) down to the ocean and fill it with salt water. It takes several strong fellows to carry it back to the fire pit and an hour or more to bring the salt water to a rolling boil. Place the corn still in the husk within the boiling water and serve with butter when hot. I was skeptical at first, but the sea salt gives the corn a wonderful flavor and I always end up eating lots of corn and not much else at our beach barbeques.
~ ~ ~
Click for others participating in 40PC this week.
Do feel free to join the fun by posting on YOUR blog too!
Just leave a link so I can read yours.
Click for my other Haiku Friday today
Volume #47: Anticipation
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.
To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.
Volume #47: Anticipation
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story or
Playgroups are no Place for Children.
To see more previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.
Thought for Today
Haiku Friday,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
One Single Impression #15 - One-of-a-kind

second of the five
canine friends who've shared my life ...
one-of-a-kind pooch
~ ~ ~
Remembering Charly
who has shared our lives
for sixteen years.
With royal features
and princely bearing, this tri-colored beagle
consistently captured the hearts
of adults and children alike
though he didn't usually return the compliment.
and occasionally downright grumpy --
Charly was one-of-a-kind.
As a baby-dog
he weathered frequent misadventures --
suffering a thorn in his paw while camping at Oak Grove,
leaping from the window of the VW Bus at Bass Lake
landing heavily on the hard-packed dirt in a state of confusion
right in front of the Ranger,
getting stuck on the far side of the stream at White Wolf in Yosemite
and having to be rescued by Ralph, the wonder dog.
He loved his big brother Ralph
wanting to be with him more than with us
and maybe now he'll get what we wants.
Charly doesn't eat
sleeps almost constantly
seems confused and disoriented when he's awake
-- as if he isn't quite all there any more ...
and so
we're compelled once again
to break our hearts
doing what's 'right'
I wonder if he will miss us?
by storyteller
December, 1988
Thought for TodayDecember, 1988
"Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." Agnes Sligh Turnbull
One Single Impression
Saturday, June 7, 2008
One Single Impression #14 - Freedom

Discovering these
views ... then sitting quietly
created freedom
within heart & mind
for the week in Taos ... and
spilled onto each page
leading me to risk
sharing what I write without
feeling old constraints.

Similarly my
PSE class opens up
for exploration
with real freedom ... easily
I made THIS today
using photos I
captured in New Mexico
and am delighted!
Thought for Today
"We feel free when we escape -- even if it be but from the frying pan into the fire." Eric Hoffer
"We feel free when we escape -- even if it be but from the frying pan into the fire." Eric Hoffer
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