I shall write of dif'rent things
than I did this morn,
but there are awards
at my other blog for friends
so please check this out.
Message in a Bottle Meme
Recently I've seen
many bloggers leaving a
single message in
bottles like this one
washed upon the shore and now
I shall take this on.
something with this on your own
blog, the 'rules' below
offer guidance and
I hope you will leave a link
here so I can see
for myself what thought
you decide to share in your
bottle on the sand.
Here's mine!
Mimi the Queen of Memes started a new Message in a Bottle Meme and suggests, "You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not."
What message would you like to send out to the universe?
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle
2. Right click and Save the graphic above
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Return your “Message In a Bottle” to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com, sign the Mr. Linky at Mimi’s site and leave a comment THERE telling her you’ve finished. IF YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TO BE ANONYMOUS PLEASE SAY SO.
6. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
so I'm breaking rule #6 (no surprise there, right).
I do, however, invite and encourage
all who are so inclined to
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story.
Haiku Friday Volume 17 is here.
To see my previous Friday Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or on the link About Me in my sidebar.