this morning as I tried
to catch up on reading here,
surprisingly I spied
this award at Lucy's followed
by the name of my
Sacred Ruminations blog
and now it seems that I
have the honor of bestowing
it upon a few
other blogs of "excellence"
and that's just what I'll do!

His Girl Friday at Wellied on Life
Lucy at Diamonds in the Skywith Lucy
Karen at Journey to Authenticity
Ladybug at Living in the Light I Find
Mama Zen at the Zen of Motherhood
Mother of Invention at Spilling Out!
MPJ at A Room of Mama's Own
Peajay at Mórán cainte ar bheagán cúise
Talking Bear at Sleepy Bear Hollow
Yertle at Smile, Play, Dream
Yolanda at Perfectly Imperfect
*Please see Monday's "addendum
for the "rules" I forgot
to provide here.

In truth, I enjoy
the blogs of all who visit each of my blogs
and if you haven't visited Small Reflections this weekend,
everyone will find additional awards there to snag and share.
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." Pablo Picasso
wow, and thank you again!!! :))))
Thank you very much ST. You made me smile once again. TB
Okay, I'm going to figure this out--how can I not post my "Excellent" award after doing a Top Five Friday list of "e" words?!
HGF – Yup … looks like you found this one before I had the chance to let you know about it. I suppose that’s fitting since I was surprised by Lucy!
TB – I’m happy to generate a smile within you. Seems like you’ve had some heavy “stuph” happening in YOUR life lately. I keep up with you most days in Google Reader and often have the urge to comment, but have trouble with SBH and leaving comments. I suspect the problem is with MY computer as much as your blog … and I hope to get myself a new laptop sometime this year. I’m still praying for your niece and watching for “follow-up” comments on your post regarding her status. Ron Heagy’s accident happened locally so I’m familiar with his “story” but I hadn’t see the video … so thanks for sharing. I’ve been meaning to add a link here.
Karen {:--)
If it helps, I can provide you with the HTML code for any or all of these awards. I believe Joy’s blog is also on TypePad and that’s the only way she can post them. Just let me know and I’ll email the info.
Congratulations to all of you! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.
Hugs and blessings,
Thank you so much, Storyteller!
I am so humbled as I thank you again for your award you have bestowed upon my blog. You are so amazing how you can keep up 2 wonderful blogs and each one contains such substance ... wisdom...depth of thought. I know blogs are a lot of time and work so I can well appreciate what you must put into yours.
Thanks again.
(I loved the prayers and had never heard that one you said as a child before)
thank you, my dear!!!
Mama Zen – You’re quite welcome! I enjoy my visits to your blog always.
MoI – I’m happy to share and appreciate the generosity you’ve shown me from the start. As for keeping up with two blogs, I’ve slowed down considerably here at Sacred Ruminations, but I’m trying to find ways that work for me.
Lucy – You needed a 2nd copy for your “Diamonds” blog, so how could I not pass it back to you? You're most welcome, of course!
Ohmygosh! I realized this morning that I forgot to add directions in this post, so I’ve created a “Monday addendum” containing “rules” that I hope everyone sees. Sigh! It’s always something, right?
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. It gives me good incentive to get back to reading and writing blogs.
I am really missing blogging. I have ideas but no time. It appears that I have replaced emotional eating with overcommitting my time. I think it is time to stop running away and start feeling my feelings so I can heal them.
Yertle – You’re very welcome and I’m happy to provide whatever incentive you need to keep blogging, however I understand about being busy because I’ve experienced that lately myself. Please be advised that I left you something at Small Reflections on Friday also last Saturday and I borrowed your Monday Motivator idea there today. In addition, I added the “instructions” that I neglected to include on this post today (Monday) in “an addendum. When you get some time, I hope you’ll return to check those things out!
Hugs and blessings,
Yay! I'm finally catching up on my reading and stopping by to find out you've called me excellent -- and that's, well, excellent! :)
MPJ - Yes it is! I'm glad to see you're out and about again. You've had your plate overflowing for quite a while now.
Hugs and blessings,
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