1. List five kind things you do for yourself.
2. List five kind things you do for your closest friend, partner, or child.
3. List five kind things you have done for a stranger.
4. Tag five people
I did mine previously here at Sacred Ruminations. If you choose to participate, please leave a comment and/or link back here so I can visit.
1. The original challenge to perform at least one act of kindness per day continues.I invite you to participate in either or both challenges as time & energy permit. Clicking on the Simply Kind and/or Everyday Kindness logos at the top and bottom of this page will take you to others participating.
2. The new challenge is 'Simply Kind Tuesdays' ... the goal of which is to increase awareness of the kindness that surrounds us.

Thought for Today
"Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true." Robert Brault
Have a terrific day sweetie. Big hug. :)
Great thought 4 the day!
Thanks & Aloha-
I've found that it's my family that gets the short shrift when it comes to kindness. I'm pretty embarassed by that--and I'm wondering why that is? Because I'm around them more? Because they have more expectations of me? Because I think I'll have plenty of chances to make up for it in the future?
I know where I need to begin the kindness--and begin it immediately, I will...
Thanks to each of you for visiting. Methinks kindness starts within ... (with a choice to love & accept ourselves and others just as we/they are) ... then flows outward quite naturally when we're mindful about our thoughts, words, and deeds. I wish you all the many joys and wonders of the Christmas season.
Hugs and blessings,
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