"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

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Hugs and blessings,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Photo Hunt and Today's Flowers

This week’s theme is YELLOW
This hibiscus grows
on my neighbor's balcony
and finally bloomed!
Single blossom from
several views and a bud
soon to bloom as well.

Over time I have
snapped photos of this cactus ...
watching buds open.
Click to embiggen for better viewing
and other participants in
Photo Hunt and Today's Flowers this week.
See also my Today's Flowers posts at Small Reflections
and Happily Retired Gal this week too.

If you'd like to see
more yellow you might enjoy
Drowsy Monkey's meme.

Thought for Today
"Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed." Walt Whitman


Unknown said...

Beautiful. I haven't seen a photo of the hibiscus yet this week. That's nice.

Ladykli said...

Very lovely. I think we shall see lots of "yellow" flowers this week. I did flowers too!
Come take a look.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

I'm getting to see plants and flowers from all around the world today!!!

I did yellow today, too! I hope you can come visit.


Have a great weekend!

Brita said...

Great take on the theme! Such beautiful flowers.

Mojo said...

The shots of the balcony are wonderful! also loved the cactus blooms in particular.

Susan Cook said...

Beautiful flowers. I love the color yellow.

annalarssonphotography said...

Beautiful flowers! :)
I love all the yellow you captured!

Have a great weekend!

Carver said...

Those are beautiful flowers. Great take on the yellow theme.

Anonymous said...

Nature seems to provide lots of yellow and all are beautiful...

Ari_1965 said...

Wow. How beautiful. I can't wait until some flowers start showing here. It's supposed to snow a bit next week, but then I'm hoping it's spring for good.

srp said...

I don't think I have ever seen a yellow hibiscus before. Just lovely. It seems to flower before many of the leaves come out... quite like the ornamental plum trees. Very nice collages! Thanks for visiting.

Alisha said...

Lovely photos! I especially love the photos of the buds opening.

Anonymous said...

It's wild the way the flower in the first shot pokes up over the railing. I love it.

Anonymous said...

The yellow hibiscus really stands out against the stark building. Great photo. Thanks for visiting my photo hunt this week.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm always surprised to see such lovely flowers on a cactus!

YTSL said...

Thought hibiscus were red? Anyways, that's what they usually are in Malaysia and Hong Kong!

Liz Hinds said...

Those are great cactus photos.

Gill - That British Woman said...

what super photos, so pretty.

Gill in Canada

Naturegirl said...

You must be in a warm climate! Love the yellow photos and that barrel cactus I recognise as I see them flowering here in the Arizona desert!! Happy TF!!

Joyce said...

Oooh! Cactus flowers! So lovely. :)

Arija said...

I love the pretty peek-a-boo balcony flowers.

George said...

Beautiful flowers. The yellow is so spring-like.

Carletta said...

I didn't know the barrel cactus - I love it!
As always your collages are well done. The many angles of one flower worked perfectly for you.

Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said...

They look so different from our hibiscus here. This one seemed to be multi-layered and very cool color.

Dick said...

Wonderful close-ups of the cactus flowers, nice work.

Baba said...

Thanks for your visit to my place. I love looking at your flowers.I have some hibiscus plants , but they are not blooming at this time..I love the cactus plant.. it is very unusual; I wouldn't mind having one like yours!!! Have a good day.
Hugs, Baba

SandyCarlson said...

Your yellows are gorgeous! Drops of pure sunshine.

Daisy said...

Wow! Do you have any daisy photos? I really love how you present the images in a collage manner.