"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

Welcome to Sacred Ruminations

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Giraffe Journal

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both self-hosted at WordPress
where I publish as myself
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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My World #2 - (and a bit of catch up too)

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing

Wetlands at Bolsa Chica
in Southern California
Click to embiggen for better viewing.
See also my previous Snowy Egret collages
taken in the Wetlands ... here & here.
Click for others participating in My World.
That's My World for this Tuesday.
Thanks to the My World Team:
Klaus | Sandy | Ivar | Wren | Fishing Guy | Louise

Belated Monday Motivator

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back."
Arthur Rubinstein

Belatedly ... here's my BYBS post
"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."

Cherokee Indian Proverb

1. Although it's frustrating to be sick, I'm grateful for time & opportunity to rest this past week as my body battles the bug within. Of course, I've fallen behind on most everything ... but I'm hopeful I'll be my energetic healthy self again soon. Molly's certainly ready for that too!

2. My garden continues to bloom so when I drag myself to the warmth of the patio out front (usually with camera close by) and plop myself down in those blue 'mock' Adarandak chairs, I have lovely flowers and interestingly changing skies to look at.

3. If I'm feeling well enough, tomorrow's plans include lunch with my sister and good friend followed by another camera class at Ritz. I'm delighted with all I've learned from attending previous classes and look forward to learning even more about using the features of my Nikon D60 & Tamron 28-300mm lens.

See also my sidebar Thankful List

at Small Reflections for daily entries.

What are some blessings in YOUR life currently?
For others who 'Blog Their Blessings'
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the
Blog Your Blessings logo above.

Thought for Today
"St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic." Adrienne Cook


Sandee said...

Love your collage. Feel better soon.

Have a terrific St. Patrick's Day. Big hug. :)

Mojo said...

What a great variety of bird life you have in your world! Marvelous.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

ST: Thaks for sharing all your birds in the collage.
I am thankful that I am able to get out in nicer weather and see the wonders of My World.

Anonymous said...

Love the collage. I wonder if we passed each other and didn't know it. Although... now that I'm thinking about it I was the only Black face out there I would have been hard to miss. LOL! :-D

Carver said...

Happy St. Patrick's day and great shots from your world. I hope you are well soon.

Naturegirl said...

I fell blessed to have good health and the opportunity to travel to the desert in Arizona..climb the mountains.golf.walk. and just do whatever I please independantly..you see last year I had a serious fracture which changed my world!Good Health is the best blessing because without it we can't do much.
Your world is beautifull with all the blues! sending sunshine:)NG

George said...

I hope you're soon feeling better so you can enjoy this spring weather. You've given us a beautiful collage today.

Louise said...

I like those wetlands photos!

Glad you're feeling a bit better, and your attitude is great no matter what!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I love the photo collage, very creative, and Happy St. Patrick's day too!

Anonymous said...

Very serene place I bet, and I would love to be here too...You have a wonderful world. Hope is well now with you and Be Well, Be Happy. Nice blog here, been reading some of your posts. Thanks for dropping by.

Ash said...

Wow - you have a lovely blog here. I'll be back.

Oh, and Happy St.Patricks Day!!!

Barb said...

Your collage of sky, water, and birds is so peaceful. Thank you for sharing!

SandyCarlson said...

Be well! That is a beautiful set of photos.

Anonymous said...

You asked if this was good for Nature Notes and of course it is! Anything having to do with nature..photos, drawings, paintings, writing..anything. I was just trying to get people posting about their natural environment and how it makes them feel...happy as it does me.. Michelle

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Annie said...

Thanks for your visit to my world today...good to meet you! Have enjoyed reading through your blog, very inspirational!

Unknown said...

I hope you start feeling better quickly. You sure are getting good with your camera! Love all your birds!

Karen said...

Lovely photos--I hope you feel well soon!

Mary said...

Love the collage! Some really nice shots in it!

Unknown said...

I hope you are feeling better soon...sitting on the porch has got to help with the fresh air.

Joyce said...

Virginia, I enjoy your 'wetlands' collage.

Hope you're feeling much better. <3