You Were a Spider |
![]() You tend to be the master weaver of fate - both for yourself and those you know. A creative force, you tend to work from divine inspiration. |
Welcome to Sacred Ruminations
then visit me at my new blog ...
Giraffe Journal
and/or website ... Labyrinth Journal
both self-hosted at WordPress
where I publish as myself
rather than under a
Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Imagine MY Surprise (or not)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Blessings, Thank Yous, and More Awards

"The idea… it’s a game of tag with a difference, rather than looking inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for one blog friend. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to. If you receive a bloggin’ blessin’ please leave a comment on this thread here so that we can rejoice in just how many blessings have been sent around the world!"Choosing just 3 blogs to honor with this award was challenging, however (after considerable reflection) I've decided that I want to take this opportunity to bless the following three individuals. Each provides a way for bloggers to find and connect with one another. I hope you'll visit each of them as time permits.
Rachael (otherwise known as Magpie Girl) encourages Small is Beautiful and Passionate Blogging.
Carla (at zena musings and Women at Rest) inspires and challenges bloggers to explore through My Sacred Life and Sacred Life Sunday.
Claudia (at On a Limb) started Everyday Kindness as a way to invite and inspire fellow bloggers be mindful of small ways to encourage and support one another in the real and virtual worlds.

Mother of Invention at Spilling Out!
Peajay at Mórán cainte ar bheagán cúise
His Girl Friday at Wellied on Life
Talking Bear at Sleepy Bear Hollow
Chani at Thailand Gal
Yertle at Smile, Play, Dream
Mike Golch at Rambling Stuff
Kara at Spirtdoll (even though she's decided to leave the virtual world indefinitely to pursue other goals, for I might not be here in the Blogosphere at all without her encouragement and support).
Finally, I'd like to bounce the award right back to Karen at Journey to Authenticity and Annie at A Spiritual Journey Through Life who (like Kara) have provided on-going encouragement and support on each of my blogs from the beginning.
May You Be Blessed
I've distributed other awards today at Small Reflections
and hope you'll visit there when time permits.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thought for Today
you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn’t do
than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
--- Mark Twain
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sacred Life Sunday - Reflecting
Blogging (and other) Blessings
1. Receiving the "You Make My Day" award from Annie, sharing it with others, and receiving it a 2nd time from Karen so that I'll be able to share it again with others who make MY day ... something I intend to do early next week.
2. Watching an exciting series of highly competitive matches during the past two weeks of the Australian Open culminating in surprising semi-finalists in both the women's and men's draw.
3. Hitting the Milestone of 100 posts on each of my blogs and beginning a list of 101 Things About Me while reflecting on what I've accomplished and what I plan to do next in this virtual world.
4. Discovering new friends in the Blogosphere and introducing old friends to one another.
5. Receiving two other awards from fellow bloggers to proudly display and to pass along: The Blessin' Buddha from Mary P. Jones at A Room of Mama's Own and the "Your Blog's a Treasure" award from Sandy at Momisodes. I'll share these soon as well.
6. Hearing from an old friend several times recently on the telephone and planning to meet for lunch next week to catch up.
7. Connecting with my Writer's Retreat Buddy to celebrate progress and encourage one another on our next challenges.
Thought for the Day
"Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change,
but in the dialectic between the two."
Octavio Paz
Saturday, January 26, 2008
How I Became a Blogger
On October 22, 2007 launched Small Reflections ... and the next day I created Sacred Ruminations. Having written in journals much of my adult life, these two blogs are my first efforts to share with others. I appreciate all those who visit either and/or both sites, sharing their thoughts & encouraging me to continue publishing in this manner.
I'm grateful to my all Taos "Writers Spa" friends who encouraged me to just "go for it" ... put myself out there and see what happens ... playfully & without worries, forcing nothing & holding nothing back ... letting myself be.
My good friend Carol deserves special thanks for giving me THE LIFE ORGANIZER by Jennifer Louden on my birthday in February of 2007 and HOW MUCH JOY by Suzanne Falter Barnes back in June of 2001 when we retired happily & early ... starting this incredible chain of events. Kudos likewise to Jackie who has encouraged me for YEARS to take the plunge ... along with my sister, Barbara who has always wanted me to share my writing! I love & appreciate you all and am delighted to be here finally.
Hugs and Blessings
A Milestone Missed? Maybe ... maybe not.
They're dignified ... yet not aloof.

giraffes are much too tall to hug.
composed for me by my "ex"
on the long drive home
after spending considerable time
observing giraffes at the San Diego Zoo
Yesterday I left a brief Haiku about my 100th post at Small Reflections, and I thought this would be my 100th post here. However, upon checking I've discovered ...(after 96 days of blogging) ... I will have posted 106 times here at Sacred Ruminations, once I publish this piece. It hardly seems possible, but my Archives bear witness to this truth. After decades of writing solely for myself ... filling MANY journals, I seem to have "taken" to blogging in a HUGE way! And so today, I pause to reflect a bit on where I am with all this, and what I'd like to do next.
Revisiting my 1st post on this blog illustrates just how little I knew about adding photos (or anything else about blogging) for upon closer examination, it's obvious that my 2nd post is still my 1st ... in which I introduce Molly & myself and convey my intention to explore "My Sacred Life" for a month. I see how I ended up with "extra" posts because my Day 3 Sacred Life entry is in two parts as well because I still didn't know how to manage multiple photos in a single post. Subtracting those two doubled up posts makes today #104. Of course, I notice there are at least 6 more posts where I passed along information or shared links I'd discovered without really writing much of anything myself ... so it hardly seems "fair" to count those. Therefore, it's possible today is simply #98 ... (Are you laughing yet? I am ... in fact, I'm reminded of a time in 5th grade when our writing prompt was to speculate what might have happened if Wednesday had come on a Friday. Although I have no recollection of the specifics of the piece itself other than it was rather obsessively convoluted, my teacher's enthusiastic response and the A+ grade remain in memory ... but I digress).
Whatever the number of this post, this seems like a good time to reflect a bit. Before beginning to blog, I hadn't even read any blogs ... but at the suggestion of friends and family (after attending the Taos Writer's Retreat) I decided to give it a go. After a little more than 3 months, I'm happy I did. The unexpected pleasure at sharing my thoughts, learning how to do a myriad of new things, and meeting all sorts of folks in this virtual world absolutely amazes me even as I type the words.
This morning I encountered Blossoming Soul's blog. She's a Kindergarten teacher and aspiring writer who apparently doesn't permit comments but has many interesting posts. I've borrowed the following idea from her. She used it to review her year, but I use it to reflect upon my "blogging" thus far.
I'm proud of myself for ...
-- letting serendipity lead me to the Taos Writer's Retreat last summer
-- stepping out of my comfort zone to travel by car to and from New Mexico alone
-- opening myself up to inspiration and creative exploration
-- following through in this tangible manner of authoring two blogs
-- giving myself permission to experiment and make mistakes along the way in public
-- not allowing embarrassment or self-consciousness to hold me back
-- making a commitment write and share something each day
-- visiting other bloggers ... offering encouragement and support by leaving comments
-- responding on my blogs to each comment someone leaves for me
-- teaching myself how to do many "technical" things with HTML code, links, photos and the like
-- asking for and accepting help from others
-- sharing what I've learned with others
-- cultivating relationships in this virtual world
-- creating a "body of work" in the Blogosphere
-- joining with others in Thursday Thirteen and Haiku Friday
-- abstaining from trying to participate in everything, realizing I need to make choices to maintain a sense of balance and perspective
-- shedding the safety of anonymity & allowing myself to be known
-- playfully approaching much of what I do in this virtual world
-- facing my fears and sharing honestly and genuinely
I forgive myself for ...
-- waiting so long to begin sharing what I write and think
-- taking time away from blogging to do other things and maintain my relationships in the "real" world
-- being obsessed with Tennis during the Australian Open
-- falling behind on my blog reading and commenting
-- all that I don't yet know how to do
-- spending more time than I should at the computer and neglecting other tasks on my "to-do" list
-- being a perfectionist at times, driving myself nuts to get things "right"
-- not yet participating in Writer's Island, Cafe Writing, and Sunday Scribbles and being less than consistent with Inspire Me Thursday
-- reading fewer books than I normally do because blogging consumes so much of my free time these days
I suspect there may be things I'll want to add to these lists, but for I'm out of time for now and want to publish this before I move to other tasks. I'll consider where I wish to go from here on another day.
Thought for Today: "Ultimately your greatest teacher is to live with an open heart." from Emmanuel's Book
Friday, January 25, 2008
Haiku Friday - Federer's Finesse Flounders
Roger Federer so flat
in this 3 set match.
Djokovic did play
brilliantly once late in the
1st set ... bouncing back
leveling the score
when it looked like Federer
had it all wrapped up.
Second set he pressed
even more successfully
taking it 6-3.
Third set was a fight.
Federer aggressively
battled back to lead
briefly ... Djokovic
held to force a tie-break and
ultimately win.
Tsonga now will play
Djokovic on Sunday ... That
could be one great match!
Many all time feats
ten consecutive finals ...
40 hard court wins
in a row. It's true
Fed's been number ONE for 4
years and still retains
that distinction for
the time being, but how much
longer no one knows.
My 100th post Haiku is at Small Reflections.
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story.
To see my previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thrilling Thursday for Tsonga

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga played brilliantly against Rafael Nadal, stunning the Spaniard and the crowd ... winning in this 1st men's Quarter Final match in straight sets. He awaits the winner of the 2nd men's Quarter Final between Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic to be played tonight and since it's Friday in Australia perhaps tomorrow's headline will be a Fantastic Friday for Federer or if Djokovic prevails ... Federer's Finesse Fails. No matter what the outcome, it promises to be an excellent match.
Today at Small Reflections I posted Roger Federer's Gland Slam record for my T-13 this week. He's had the longest winning streak in tennis history and holds 12 Grand Slam Championship Titles ... 3 in Australia, 5 at Wimbledon, and 4 in New York at the U. S. Open. He's played in a total of 14 Grand Slam Championship matches, losing the French Open to Nadal twice on the clay court surface. By the end of this season, it's quite possible he'll equal or even surpass the record of Pete Sampras with 14 Grand Slam Men's Singles Titles.
Yes ... I am a bit obsessed when it comes to tennis, but the Australian Open will be over this weekend. Maria Sharapova will play Ana Ivanovic (as I predicted) in the Women's Championship Match on Friday night and the Men's Championship is scheduled for Sunday afternoon.
Thought for Today
We each have a dream inside ourselves,
A gift to us at birth,
To guide us and protect us
On our journey on this earth.
We all have something special,
Each one of us unique
You have to find the courage
To find the peace you seek.
So dream your dream and live your dream
Don't be afraid to try.
Just take your soul by the hand
And let your spirit fly.
by Maureen Weider
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Another Word-filled Wednesday
A few days ago I received the following letter and "book excerpt" in email. I watched the video, but wasn't impressed ... in fact it didn't worth my time. The concept, however, felt intriguing enough for me to leave the email in place as I moved on to other matters. This morning while clearing out my my inbox, I rediscovered it and decided to share here because the idea intrigues me still.
Dear storyteller,
212°...The Extra Degree is one of my all time favorite publishing projects. There is something magic about the simplicity of the 212° concept...
- At 211 degrees, water is hot.
- At 212 degrees, it boils.
- And with boiling water comes steam.
- And steam can power a locomotive.
It’s that one extra degree, just one, that makes all the difference. And, so many times, it’s that one extra degree of effort in business, and in life, that separates the good from the great. How true it is!
The beauty of 212° is not only its simplicity, but also its many applications. You can apply the concept to 212° service, 212° attitude, 212° leadership, 212° kindness, 212° commitment, 212° focus, 212° perseverance...the list goes on. Whether you’re the truck driver or the CEO, you’ll get it! In fact, once you’ve heard this simple uncomplicated analogy for excellence, it’ll be hard to forget!
In the back of the 212° book we have 10 stories to reinforce many of the 212° applications, and I’d like to share the one I wrote on 212° Belief. Enjoy!
Live With Passion,
Founder, Simple Truths
What happens when you believe something with all your heart? Belief fuels enthusiasm, and enthusiasm explodes into passion. It fires our souls and lifts our spirits. In 1991, when Successories hired Tim Dumler as a corporate account manager, he shared his goal of becoming number one in the company with his manager, Neil Sexton. But Neil, quite frankly, had serious doubts that Tim could make it through the first month, much less be number one.
Neil’s first two interviews with Tim were conducted over the phone, and he passed those with flying colors. But when Neil met Tim for the first time, he was shocked when Tim told him he was legally blind. He began to lose his sight when he was in the third grade from a rare disease called macular degeneration. Tim acknowledged he would have problems entering orders into the computers, but he had a solution. He told Neil about a machine that he could hook up to magnify the letters on the screen to two inches high. Tim was willing to buy it if he could have the job.
After the conversation, Neil came to my office and explained the situation. Mac said, “Neil, let’s give him a chance,” but I must admit, I had serious doubts that Tim could do it.
Well, we were dead wrong. We grossly underestimated Tim’s passion and his determination to succeed. Even though it took him much longer to enter the orders, Tim made it work. He came in early, he worked late. Whatever it took, he did it.
In 1991, Tim’s first year, he was number one out of ten experienced corporate sales reps, with over $500,000 in sales. In 1994 he was number one again with $700,000, and again in 1997 with $950,000. His customers loved him because when you can’t see, you become a great listener. His peers loved him because of his caring, positive attitude.
He was certainly an inspiration to me, too. I asked him one time, “Tim, how do you stay so positive?” He said, “Mac, it’s unfortunate that I’m visually impaired, but I have to tell you that fighting through the adversity has made me a better person. I have come to realize that I have a lot more than I don’t have. I love my family, my work, and the people I work with. I’ve been blessed in many ways.”
Tim’s 212° belief enabled him to overcome many obstacles, and propelled him to success.
Henry Ford said it best...
P.S. If you’d like an instant “shot of inspiration” just watch our 3 minute 212° movie. Click on the link below. It will make your day, and possibly change the way you think about life!!
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’’re right.”
The article above was excerpted from the book "212° The Extra Degree" By Sam Parker and Mac Anderson. It is reprinted here with permission. You may share this story as long as you do not edit the content; leave the links and this resource box intact.
As you know if you've been reading my blogs lately, I've watched lots of tennis matches. This idea of adding just a little bit more energy, inspiration, and/or desire DOES seem to give players like Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic (and this year Tsonga) an edge that makes them hard to defeat. Perhaps this holds true for all things?
It seems I must leave
the links in place
to share here (legally), so I will because
I am curious what YOU think of this idea?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tuesday Tennis Troubles and more Temptation
The Chinese doubles team took the Williams sisters out of the of the running today, and Ana Ivanovic has taken the 1st set from Venus this evening. The only other American left in the draw is James Blake and he plays Roger Federer in his next match. James has played excellent tennis thus far and overcome his 5-set demons, but unless Roger's off his game ... it looks like James will be on his way home soon.
Since I'm about to turn off the computer ... (and since I posted about flowers on Small Reflections) ...I thought I'd stay with that theme here. Although I was a Daisy and a Snapdragon there ... it seems I'm a Lily on this Bloththing.
You Are A Lily |
![]() You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist. People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you. You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words. Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize. |
Because I'm a curious sort,
I hope you'll share your results
in comments below or on your blog
with a link back here
if you decide to play along.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Annie Made My Day and I'm Passing the Award Along

I'm honored to receive it and appreciate Annie thinking of me in this manner, especially since I've not been visiting quite as often for oh so many reasons (not the least of which recently is TENNIS) ... trying to attain some "balance" in my own life.
I've decided to pass this award on to the following 5 people here at Sacred Ruminations and to 5 others at Small Reflections.
1. Lucy of Diamonds in the Sky with Lucy, and more recently Lucy Creates, is a constant source of encouragement and inspiration. Her posts combine lovely visual & verbal images ... consistently engaging imagination and thought. If memory serves, she was the 2nd blogger to "discover" me in this virtual world.
and whose blogs consistently "make my day"
include (but are not limited to):
2. Mama Zen at The Zen of Motherhood
3. The Dream at You May Say I'm a Dreamer
4. MPJ at A Room of Mama's Own
5. Ladybug at Living in the Light I Find
With much gratitude, I offer my usual hugs and blessings to all who pass this way. If you haven't met these bloggers already, I hope you'll visit them in the near future.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Sacred Life Sunday
1. the subtle but life-changing shift in my perception of everything I encounter
2. a desire to find peace in all things ... always
3. choosing happiness over being "right" more consistently
4. that forgiveness of others leads to forgiveness of self
5. only my thoughts can hurt me and I can choose to see and think differently in each moment
6. miracles happen all the time and we see them when we slow down and notice
7. all things are "echoes of the Voice of God"
8. love is the way I walk in gratitude
9. we are not alone, but all one
10. I am one with Spirit ... I need but step back and listen to be led and this is true for everyone
There are, of course, many more changes I could share ... but these are central to my way of being in the world these days. Each time I revisit the daily lessons, I understand more deeply and release more "baggage" ... mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm led to books and authors in serendipitous ways when their message is most needed as "an assist" along the way.
Mary sent me this video link in email and after watching, I explored the associated website and found the following text of the poem illustrated with lovely images in the video. I offer both to you this morning if you have the time and inclination to reflect with me today.
![]() | |||
| |||
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"You do not walk alone. God's angels hover near and all about. His Love surrounds you, and of this be sure; that I will never leave you comfortless."
How's THAT for blessed assurance?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Ohmygosh ... It's Happening Again!!!

I offer my sincere apologies to all who don't follow tennis, but 4 times a year I become a bit obsessed with the topic during the four major tournaments ... so please bear with me.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Haiku Friday - Volume 6

Watching matches on TV
with the DVR.
Federer displayed
mastery by taking both
matches in straight sets.
Djokovic, Nadal,
Baghdatis, Nalbandian,
Blake and Hewitt too
still alive to play.
Spadea at thirty-three
captured the 5th set.
Williams sisters both
playing well right from the start.
Doubles matches too!
Young Australian gal
took Mauresmo out in three
sets. Who would have guessed?
Davenport returned
looking good but out because
Sharapova won.
Nieminen and Fish
battled on the tennis courts
until Fish got mad
after a strange call
losing concentration he
gave away the match.
Played last night, they're done
but exciting all the same,
knowing not who won.
Roddick and his foe
Kohlschrieber surprised us all
winning the first set.
Andy's way too far
back to play aggressively.
YEA! He's broken back!
Set apiece, it's now
best of three to move ahead.
I shall stop and watch!
* * * * * * *
5:25 PM addendum
Most exciting match
perfect in so many ways,
each played at the top
of his game throughout
numbers were spectacular
winners all around!
Yet, I'm feeling sad.
Andy Roddick "blinked" and so
Kohlschrieber moves on.
Haiku Friday Volume 5 is at Small Reflections.
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story.
To see my previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Living Fully With Awareness and Enthusiasm
The final card in the box of Zen cards
reminds me to:
all things with the
ENTHUSIASM of a child,
as if you were seeing it for
the FIRST time.
This is the Zen mind,
always new,
always aware,
always that of a beginner.
Daniel Levin
Thought for Today
"Life is not what you did, it's what you are doing."
Jim Burns
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
(Anything but...) Wordless Wednesday
The 1st time I quoted the Daily OM at Small Reflections, I had serious questions about the message. Today, however, I'm impressed with the message from yesterday (that I discovered and read a day late this morning) on Miracles and "Joy" ... both subjects near and dear to my heart and way of being in the world these days. Lest you missed them, I share the following here.
(from January 15, 2008)
Miracles In Every Day
Joy Always
It is the everyday aspects of our lives that bring us the most joy, even if at first it may seem natural to expect our feelings of happiness to come from the larger events in our lives. By noticing how small things can fill our days with delight, we are more likely to experience the wonder of living. Once we take the time to look around and witness the beauty, kindness, and laughter that envelop us, what may seem like the ordinariness of the everyday becomes filled with the extraordinary detail of each individual moment. If we bring this sense of awareness to our lives for even a few minutes each day, we will begin to see how just blessed we truly are.
Beholding the joy that surrounds us may initially seem easy, but for some it can take a conscious effort to make it a part of a daily routine. When you awake in the morning and set the intention to notice more joy in the world, watch how your day and, eventually, your life is filled with more joy. The more we do this the more apt we will be to notice the sounds of children laughing or the sparkle of dewdrops on a flower petal. Allow this joy to fill your heart fully, and from there it will naturally expand to your entire body and then spread to others, giving them joy as well.
Taking in the small joys of each day expands our feeling of being connected with the world, especially once we become more attuned to them. With each passing day, we will find that these small delights, which bring a deeper level of appreciation for everything the universe has given to our lives, are miracles.
What do you think?
In light of my recent posts about Everyday Kindness, I'd love to know your response to this Daily OM message. I've long been a student of A COURSE IN MIRACLES since I discovered the work originally in 1989. Back then the material wasn't commonly available and I searched unsuccessfully for months before ordering the material online, but more recently I've seen the work for sale at Costco ... so it must be more "mainstream" today.
So ... I'm curious.
Just what DO you think?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tuesday's Tomfoolery
You Are Elmo |
![]() Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do! You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing. You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you. How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!" |
Hmmm ... I suppose that "fits" as well as any. Big Bird was always my favorite character, but I admired Ernie and found "the cookie monster" endearing.
Carla and Lucy both had "Who's your Inner Rock Chick?" on on their blogs recently.
You Are Sheryl Crow! |
![]() Down to earth with tons of creative energy When you talk, everyone can relate to you "Life springs eternal On a gaudy neon street Not that I care at all" |
The sad thing is, I don't know who many of these "rock stars" are, but I do know of Sheryl Crow ... so that "fits" too. Typing that here, I'm reminded that I took the How Indie Are You? Quiz at Claire's and didn't know what THAT was either. Fortunately she sent me a Wickipedia reference that explained the term to me, so now I'm better informed.
And finally ... How Good Is Your Karma?
You Have Fantastic Karma |
![]() You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person. And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already. But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway. You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that! |
"Treat everyone and everything with loving compassion. When you see no difference between the sacred and the profane, the saint or the sinner, that is the ultimate wisdom. Daniel Levin
Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday Musings

It's been a delightful day! After using my early morning time to check email, respond to blog comments, visit a few blogs, play with Molly, and leave a brief post at Small Reflections ... I had a pleasant lunch with my "happily retired" teacher friends and then ran errands on the way home before taking Molly for an afternoon walk. As I sat down to write this post a few minutes ago, my sister called from the road ... and I just got off the phone after learning all about about what they've been doing the last couple of days and what they plan to do next. They're having a wonderful time ... currently on the coast of Georgia south of Jekyll Island in St. Mary's or Cumberland ... headed for Jacksonville Florida tomorrow.
I'm about to fix dinner then watch TENNIS! It's the Australian Open. I recorded the afternoon matches while I was out running errands and walking Molly. In a few minutes ... the evening broadcast session begins. My brother gave me a racket and taught me the game when I was 11 or 12. I played tennis throughout college competitively, then for fun and exercise for decades. I don't play any longer, but I do love to watch the four major tournaments each year.
Before I turn off my computer for the evening (if you have the time and inclination), I'd like to recommend that you visit Peajay's blog and read her latest two posts. One is Children's Views of Angels, and the second a story entitled, "I Wish You Enough" ... both excellent.
Food for Thought
"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep."
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sacred Life Sunday - Kindness and Inspiration
Do not go back to sleep."
While searching for the post about Dyer's talk this morning, I revisited a few more of my earlier posts with timely and inspirational messages and I've decided to highlight them here, since I didn't have many readers back then so they might be new to you.
On 12-28-07 I shared a couple of personal stories about "gratitude" prompted by a video link from Simple Truths.
On 11-27-07 I passed along a Cherokee "teaching " story I found at Peajay's blog.
On 11-12-07 I referenced the incredible story of Patrick Henry Hughes and his amazing dad in Living on Purpose.
On 10-31-07 I share links to two inspiring stories of people dealing with life-threatening illnesses, but using the experience to enrich us all ... Randy Pausch and Lisa Kerr. Reminding us that life is a terminal condition for everyone, Randy said,
We can only play the hand we're holding."
So ... How about it?
A penny for your thoughts!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A Penny for Your Comments and Everyday Kindness

I hope that you're commenting.
If you're not, please do.
Sharing what you think
keeps me writing when I might
slack off for a day.
Finding what you write
in the morning when I check
e-mail makes me smile.
I will do my best
to respond to everyone
as soon as I can.
If you check the box
to receive the follow up
comments , you'll receive ...
Email every time
I sit down to answer you.
Hopefully, you'll smile.

While meandering through the Blogosphere visiting T-13ers on Thursday, I happened upon this Everyday Kindness logo near the end of a excellent illustrated list entitled 13 Rules for Living. After leaving a comment about the post, I clicked on the logo itself and discovered an invitation to join Claudia in making kindness a commitment during 2008. I was sipping coffee from a favorite mug at the time inscribed with the words, "Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty" ... a campaign of a few years back that shifted my awareness at the time. The basic idea was to smile (and perhaps even say hello) to people you encountered, do an unexpected (and perhaps anonymous) thing for someone (whether or not you knew them) like put a quarter in the parking meter when you notice it's expired (especially if you see someone writing tickets approaching). What I remember most about adopting the practice myself at the time was how happy I felt after taking such action.
Since I subscribe to the belief that "coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous," I left a comment indicating my interest ... saved the image on my computer to add to my sidebar later ... and made a note to post about it when time permitted, all the while smiling to myself and thinking what an excellent idea this is to share. So ... I'm offering a bit of link-love and some encouragement to anyone who might want to adopt the practice and spread the word.
Sunday morning addendum:
In addition to figuring out how to make the Everyday Kindness logo smaller to fit in my sidebar, I remembered adding another "kindness" reminder to my sidebar when I first started my blogs. It's way down near the bottom and looks like this, and when you click on the purple button ... it takes you to a brief video clip worth watching. Maybe you have time today?

"We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give."
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Friday, January 11, 2008
Haiku Friday - Volume 4 (A Second Hybrid Meme?)
told her was for seven weird
things about ourselves.
I do love giraffes.
In my house they're everywhere
just collecting dust.
Writing all my life
often quite poetically
only for myself.
Clutter everywhere
anything that can be read ...
Time for me to clean.
I don't watch TV
as a rule unless I'm sick
then sometimes I will.
Gardening is fun.
Pulling weeds I meditate
letting go of thought.
Walking at the beach
Molly at my side we meet
new friends all the time.
Anyone can see
laughter is a favorite
happening for me.
Now that I have shared
all of this about myself,
who is next to play?
If Haiku is not your thing, choose another poetic form and share
7 Weird Things About Yourself poetically, linking to this post.
Do it ANY day of the week! Have fun as you play with language and see what happens. Even if you've done this meme before as I have here, it'll be fun to learn more about one another by playing again with a twist. Hmmmmm ... I didn't look until now, but some of the same things there are on this list too.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Five Really Good Things
1. Listening to the sound of rain on my skylights (and the rooftop) as I fell asleep under my "toasty" new comforter during the recent rain, and seeing the dramatic skies as the storms moved on.
2. Learning how to do new things with my Blogs, experimenting with projects like:
--Blog 365
--Creative Everyday
--Wordless Wednesday
--Haiku Friday (creating a Hybrid Haiku meme and a reflective Haiku)
(meeting new virtual friends in the process), and sharing more of my authentic voice in my writing.

3. Walking barefoot on the beach while Molly ran and played with the other dogs in and out of the surf.
4. Sharing a delicious vegetarian omelet and "Hobo" potatoes with my friend Carol, then visiting back at my house for a few hours, catching up with one another. Connecting with my sister by cell phone and learning she & her husband had their picture taken with Jimmy and Roselyn Carter after church in Plains, Georgia. Seriously!

Thought for today:
"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow." Douglas Pagels
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Wordless Wednesday #4 - Sunset at Home
at the Beach in Southern California
(It's incorrectly labeled, less dramatic, more mundane
and a bit wordy ... but informative.)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Three Quizzes - Do you dare share?
You Are 82% Creative |
![]() You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity. Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool! |
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 96% |
![]() Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is Very High You've spent a lot of time introspecting, and it's really paid off. You are comfortable with who you are, and you have a life philosophy that you are happy to live by. And you're always re-evaluating what you believe. Because you learn something new about yourself each day! |
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 77% |
![]() Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others. You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counselor and mediator. However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone. |
So ... I'm quite creative, extremely self-aware, and kind of social.
That fits!
Time to share, if you dare :--)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Monday Musings

Mom always did laundry on Mondays, and we kids would help her hang the clothes on the outdoor lines to dry. Rainy Mondays always threw her off because she had specific days to do different tasks. Tuesday was for ironing, but I don't recall which specific tasks she assigned to other days. She cleaned, baked, mended, sewed our clothes, darned socks, cooked meals, and volunteered at our schools & at church. We'd sit on the back porch together to shell peas, but Mom didn't let either my sister nor I help with cooking. We did take turns drying the dishes after dinner as she washed them carefully ... never trusting us with that task either. Occasionally she visited over the fence with neighbors, but for the most part was busy all the time taking care of the family.
My mother loved to play the old upright piano in our living room, and we often gathered around to listen and/or sing along. Later in life after all 3 of us kids were married and my had Dad died, she purchased a new piano and and large organ with multiple keyboards, stops, and foot pedals ... setting them up like Liberace and Corla Panda at right angles to one another so she could play each simply by turning on the stool. She watched them faithfully on television when we were kids, and took lessons as a senior citizen ... acquiring new skills with regular practice.
Possibly the time I'm spending at my computer is similar to the time Mom devoted to mastering musical skill, once she had the time to pursue that interest for pleasure. I suspect she'd wholeheartedly approve of me sharing my writing on these two blogs as she shared her music joyfully.