1. Listening to the sound of rain on my skylights (and the rooftop) as I fell asleep under my "toasty" new comforter during the recent rain, and seeing the dramatic skies as the storms moved on.
2. Learning how to do new things with my Blogs, experimenting with projects like:
--Blog 365
--Creative Everyday
--Wordless Wednesday
--Haiku Friday (creating a Hybrid Haiku meme and a reflective Haiku)
(meeting new virtual friends in the process), and sharing more of my authentic voice in my writing.

3. Walking barefoot on the beach while Molly ran and played with the other dogs in and out of the surf.
4. Sharing a delicious vegetarian omelet and "Hobo" potatoes with my friend Carol, then visiting back at my house for a few hours, catching up with one another. Connecting with my sister by cell phone and learning she & her husband had their picture taken with Jimmy and Roselyn Carter after church in Plains, Georgia. Seriously!

Thought for today:
"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow." Douglas Pagels
I love that quote! And, listening to the rain on the roof.
great quote. i love your "simple" list...there's not anything much better than walking in the sand barefoot or listening to rain on the roof. thanks for the reminders!!!
btw--i am posting haikus today. they just wanted to be written and now i realize it is friday. hmmmm.
It's the simple things I savor most these days.
Mama Zen - I've not forgotten the "challenge" you have for me on your blog (or the Haiku you've posted today), but I'm trying to empty my inbox and respond to yesterday's comments before doing anything new. I'll be there soon ... I promise! LOL
Lucy - You know how I love serendipity. That's how I did my first two Haikus last week. I've got the one up at Small Reflections already, but need to get busy on Volume 4 for this blog soon. I'm eager to see yours too and I'll be there when time permits.
Hugs and blessings to you both!
I like your 5 good things. I will definitely be stealing this idea soon.
The myriad sounds of rain can be such a balm...the sizzle and roar of it, the rush of it spreading across the fields.
Those are fantastic 5 things :) Especially the sunsets and beach....both I treasure and miss daily.
I'm listening to a rain storm pound my roof right now so reading your post seems so appropriate! Welcome to Blog365 and the TT's there...I love your blog and I'll be back to read more!
Thanks for visiting and leaving your observations.
Eve – No need to steal … consider it a gift. If you add a link this post it will provide a link to Carla and Liz. That helps everyone stay connected.
Ivy – Yes … just like the soothing ocean sounds in the early morning and late evening! I love your language, but the link doesn’t work so I don’t know where to find your blog. I hope you return … and perhaps leave me email.
Sandy – I’m happy to share my beach with you here ... anytime.
Bella Mocha – Thanks for the welcome to T-13 at Blog 365. I don’t know much about the Ning site, but I took a quick peek at your blog and added you to my reader so I can catch up. If this is your first blog, you’re newer to this virtual world than me. I love the T-13 about places you write and will return to leave a comment there when time permits.
Hugs and blessings to all … I appreciate your comments.
I *love* your list! I can so relate to what you wrote, and I love the quote you shared. Thank you!
Carla - What a delightful surprise to find a 2nd comment from you this morning when checking g-mail. I appreciate your kind words here and your inspiring example in this virtual world. I’m always reminded of Taos when I visit your blog-sites, and feel like I’m play “catch-up” BIG time … but it’s all good.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh yes, the sound of rain is fabulous! When I had a paying job, I actually called in sick once because I wanted to sit by the windown and watch and listen to the rain.
One question--what are Hobo potatoes?
Karen – Hmmm … playing “hookey” to enjoy the rainy weather. What a concept! Hobo potatoes are YUMMY!!! They’re diced potatoes with red and green peppers, onions, and other stuph fried up together and served with eggs in place of hashed browns … sort of like home fried potatoes. Delicious!!!
Hugs and blessings,
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