"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday #48

Experimenting again ... (this time with 'grids' in PSE6) ...
using beautiful nature photos from Flickzzz.
Click for others participating in Wordless Wednesday.

I'm feeling a bit foolish to realize it's taken me all this time to discover this practical feature in Photoshop Elements ... but now that I have found it, I've experimented with 'cropping' to make things 'fit' specific spaces (rather than 'eyeballing' things) as well. Finally, I used 'stroke outline' to add a more professional look. I shared another collage at Small Reflections today (and shared a variety of awards) in my Whimsical Wednesday post.
So ... what do you think?

Thought for Today
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Unknown said...

What a beautiful montage of pictures.

Mojo said...

There are some really great shots here, but I especially love the three across the bottom. And of those three the middle one really catches my eye.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Those are beautiful! The purple ones are my favorite.

Michelle said...

Each one is so beautiful. I love them all. I think my favorite is the one with the purple sky.

He & Me + 3 said...

Gorgeous! Well done!

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Just gorgeous photos! Hard to shoose a favorite.

Anonymous said...

You did a fantastic job. Isn't it amazing how a picture changes just by being cropped?

Patsy said...

What do I think? WOW is what I think. I don't have photo shop, but after seeing this collage, I'm thinking maybe I need it. Then again I might need to take awesome photos first. :) Wonderful views of nature/God at his best.

storyteller said...

Sassy Mama Bear – Thanks. One of these days’ I’ll get my OWN photos more organized to use … but for the time being it’s nice to have ‘internet resources’ available with which to practice.

Mojo – Yup … that one held MY attention too. I tried it in various locations, but settled on the middle bottom just because.

Tammy – Purple’s a favorite color of mine too.

Michelle – The ways the colors blend in that sky are awesome, aren’t they!

He And Me +3 – Thanks, I appreciate the kind words.

Debbie – I know what you mean … choosing the shots is half the challenge.

Vixen – Yez … it’s funny because I’ve known HOW to crop for quite a while, but haven’t put that together with collages until today for some unknown reason. I’ve relied on ‘overlapping’ images after placing them like puzzle pieces previously. This feels like a ‘break-through’ of sorts.

Patsy – Gee … thanks! Photoshop IS an amazing program. I’ve owned various versions for quite a while but never really knew what it could do until I signed up for classes this past summer. I’ve been taking them twice weekly for about 23 weeks now and have just scratched the surface … but things ARE starting to come together … gradually.

To all – Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I hope you also ‘snagged awards’ at Small Reflections to enjoy and share … just because. If not, feel free to drop by anything.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I think it's so great that you should be publishing directions for us! It's wonderful.

Mariposa said...

Lovely montage!!!


Lori said...

Those are absolutely beautiful. I love them all!! Happy WW my friend. Thanks for stopping by:)

Alvis said...

Great shots. Are they all by you?

Momisodes said...

I love collage, especially the different sized cropped images :)

storyteller said...

AndrĂ©e – Thanks … but I’m afraid I wouldn’t know where to begin … seriously! It’s taken ME about 3 months to learn what I know. That said, I’m happy to answer specific questions if I’m able … so ask away!

Mariposa – I’m delighted you think so ;--)

Lori – I can’t take credit for the photos themselves. All I did was FIND them on Flickzzz … then ‘crop’ and arrange them in the collage and add the ‘stroke outline’ as a finishing touch.

Alvis - Nope … I found all the photos at Flickzzz.

Sandy (of Momisodes) – I’m not sure why it didn’t occur to me to do this ‘cropping’ sooner, but I’m glad it finally dawned on me … belatedly.

To all – I appreciate you all visiting and responding with such enthusiasm. I’m delighted to be able to experiment and share. In today’s class, I learned about simple animations in PSE6 … (making people WINK or WAVE) … and I plan to experiment with animating pictures soon. It should be fun, though challenging until I learn more about it. Hope you’re all having a great day!
Hugs and blessings,

JO said...



Grandy said...

Great shots! You're getting some great photoshop skillz. ;)

Unknown said...

You found tons of nice shots there! Lovin them!

storyteller said...

Jo of (Precious Thoughts) Thanks so much ;--)

Grandy – I didn’t TAKE the photos, I just FOUND and COLLAGED them … but I am developing some facility and comfort with Photoshop … finally.

Lisa – I’m glad you enjoyed them and I'm grateful for photographers (like yourself). I'm learning all the time and one day will have more of my own photos to share in collages.

To all – I appreciate each of you dropping by and sharing your thoughts. Hope you’re all having a wonderful week!
Hugs and blessings,