2. I'm heartened by the lovely comments visitors have left ... and want to express my appreciation for all who drop by. I've enjoyed establishing 'virtual' connections with others and extending my circle of friends. Which reminds me ... some time ago Smiling Sally shared this and I meant to pass it along but don't recall whether or not I did. Please feel free to snag, enjoy, and pass it along to others as you choose.

followed by a caramel machiato from Starbuck's, a pleasant walk through the Shops at Mission Viejo ... (I shared a mosaic of the unusual fountains there at Happily Retired Gal yesterday) ... and winding down with dinner at Z'Tejas. I did purchase (at 50% off) two Christmas mugs and some Christmas coffee beans at Gloria Jean's. The mugs have messages I wanted to remember.
"Imagine the possibilities in the night's bright star ... IMAGINE"
"I believe my best gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes ... BELIEVE!"
4. After 4pm appetizers are half price and drinks are discounted too. We started with cornbread then Tostada Bites ... ordered drinks ... wine for me (it's just 2 points) & a Margarita for her (worth 13+points depending on size) ... then (impulsively) another order of Tostada Bites (intending to share a salad afterward) but ran out of room so we skipped it. LOL ... such is life ;-)
6. Last night's Photoshop Collage class was very kewl ... I can hardly wait to practice what I learned about 'templates' ... but once I finish writing and publishing this post I need to take Molly for a walk and then deal with researching 'supplement' plans for Medicare to follow up on Monday's first step. Once that's done, I'll deal with Part D ... and choose a prescription drug plan.
7. In addition to Tuesday's drizzily rain, apparently there are a couple of storms headed our way with rain predicted for the weekend through the middle of next week so I'm not sure when I'll get my pansies planted. Seems like this happened to me last year when I purchased a couple of flats ... and if I was the least bit supersitous I'd wonder about causality. I suppose if things go smoothly with the medical coverage research I might get started this afternoon.
8. Ohmygosh ... Mozilla crashed just now (as it does all too frequently because there's something wrong with my Dell wireless card and/or drivers that no one seems to be able to fix as of yet) and when it restarted ... all I had showing in the editor was #1 and 2. I confess I let out a cry of frustration that caused Molly to come over to see what's wrong ... took a breath then brought up the list of posts ... opened the saved file and found it all there (much to my relief). Here's to remembering to SAVE often! I'm not sure I would have had the heart (or the time) to recreate what I'd already written and might have abandoned the post entirely. Methinks I'll add this small blessing to My Daily Gratitude List in the sidebar at Small Reflections.
9. Let's see ... what's next? Hmm ... it's Thursday so I've made a note to myself to log on to my Credit Union to pay bills today. Anything entered Friday or Saturday doesn't get sent out until Sunday and (being carefully taught by my Dutch mom to be prudent with my money) I hate late fees.
10. My heart goes out to those affected by the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake and continuing aftershocks in Haiti. According to the ABC7news website, the American Red Cross pledged an initial $200,000 in assistance ... and those who wish to donate can dial 800-Redcross - (800) 257-7575 ... contact their local Red Cross chapter ... or make a donation at the following address:
American Red Cross11. Wow ... let's hear it for coincidence. As I was typing #10, ABC7 just interrupted it's broadcast of Good Morning America for President Obama's statement about aid for Haiti ... and I'm reminded of something I once heard ... that 'coincidence' is God's way of remaining anonymous. That's always seemed reassuring.
PO Box 37243
Washington DC, 20013
12. Time to refill my coffee ... and I need to fix something to eat soon before I take Molly for a walk. She's restless and insistent ever since she came to check on me a few minutes ago. I'm grateful to have her in my life. She frequently gets me up and moving when I might otherwise be sedentary for much too long.
13. Tamale follow up: For those who requested it, my brother in law scanned and emailed my sister's recipe ... and for those who might have missed the Big Tamale Cookout, you can click to catch up.
18 lbs. prepared masa
14 lbs. boned pork shoulder or 16 lbs. unboned pork shoulder
6 heaping tablespoons cumin
6 heaping tablespoons California chili powder
6 heaping tablespoons New Mexico chili powder
2 cloves crushed garlic
salt and pepper to taste
4 10 oz. cans Las Palmas red chili sauce 4 6 oz. cans medium pitted black olives
2 lIb. bags com husks
Cook pork shoulder in water (completely covered for 3 hours until it shreds easily. Remove bones. Soak com husks I hour before making tamales (until soft).
After shredding meat cook with 3 cups broth (add water if necessary and remove fat from top of broth), both chili powders, cumin, red chili sauce, garlic, salt and pepper for approx. 1 hour until mixture stops foaming. Spread masa on cornhusk, add meat and olive(s), and roll, folding one end. Freeze until ready to cook. (I do not do this, we cook right after making and freeze later). Tamales reheat in the microwave wonderfully.
To cook tamales, stack open side up in pyramid style. Put a layer of com husks on the bottom of baking pan before putting vegetable steamer on bottom of pan in 1 inch of water. Put com husk layer on then tamales. Put layer of com husks on sides and top. Cook for 1 hour at simmer until com meal is done. When com meal is firm and pulls away easily from the tamales. Enjoy!To all who pass this way ... I wish you a delightful day. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and to leave your thoughts behind. I'll be visiting later ...
If time permits, click to see
my mostly visual T-13 this week at Happily Retired Gal
in the sidebar at Small Reflections and/or
the previous lists I've transferred to Happily Retired Gal

"No act of kindness is ever wasted." Aesop
A very uplifting list, or is that an uplisting lift. I'm happy it's sunny and warming some today.
Lovely post. It's so nice to know what's going on in my blogging friends lives. I love the quote about coincidence is God being anonymous! I think I will put that on our church prayer line, which I manage. The breakfast looks good. Of course I just have to click where food is involved. I recognized home fries, but it also looked like chicken! Is that first picture morning glories? Our minister of missions has gone to Dominician Republic today where he'll hike over the mountain range to get to Port-Au-Prince. The airport there is closed to all except military planes.
I went to a Mimi's Cafe in FL...had no idea it was a chain. Boy was the food good!
Hi Virginia, Thanks for keeping me posted on your posts (which blog you are using on certain days). That helps a bunch!!!!!
Thanks for the Tamalas recipe... I haven't had any good tamalas since moving to TN form TX in 2000.
I've been to Mimi's Cafe --and love those HUGE non-fattening (RIGHT!!! ha) muffins.
Looks like you had a fabulous day with sister. How special is that.
Your collages are amazing --and I love the mug messages.
Thanks for sharing.
I'm sorry to hear about your problems with Mozilla. I know how aggravating that can be.
Your post made me hungry for one of those blueberry muffins from Mimi's.
Well, Yummy, Yum, Yum! Sorry to have made the mistake about your home state - S CA is certainly a beautiful place. We travel to CA every spring to bike but usually N CA. I guess you can use the rain, so the pansies can wait until the skies clear. Good Luck on the Medicare Supplement - thank goodness mine was in place before the Heart Attack! Take it from me - no matter how healthy you are, you just never know...
We definitely have to make a point of visiting Mission Viejo the next time we go to California!
I love the thought that 'coincidence' is God's way of remaining anonymous. It sounds so ... right.
Some really cool stuff I need to check out.
Have a great Thursday!
Good luck on the Medicare supplement research. I'm in the midst of doing the same for my mom, and it's a nightmare!
All I hear is Mimi's Cafe! Everyone has been there but me! If the restaurant I work for was half as good I might retire in a few years! Hope breakfast was wonderful!
Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.
Ah, South Coast Plaza mall. :) An excellent place to walk, indeed. Good job on the posting this year. Oh! And as usual, I love your collages.
Sounds like a yummy and fun outing. So glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the address for the American Red Cross. Definitely a worthy cause. And I DID have M&M's in my view, and I forgot all about them! LOL
It didn't seem to me like your Nikon was in the shop for long at all, but I'll bet it seemed like forever to you.
Tamales, Yummy! Thanks for the recipe:)
It sounds like you had such a lovely day--and such yummy food and drinks! It seemed like it was a day to appeal to all your senses! And I'm stunned by that recipe for tamales--no wonder it takes two of you!! LOL!!!
Your day with your sister sounded like fun!
Wishing you a sweet and peaceful weekend!
Brightest of Blessings!
Good list.
Sounds like a wonderful sister day.
Thanks for sharing some of your computer problems and for understanding mine! I appreciate your letting me know.
Thanks for the tamales recipe. I think it would be fun to start the tradition of making them at Christmas or New Years. :)
So much that is good is right here. You are a scoop of sunshine, my friend. Thanks.
Thank you for your wonderful post. I copied your tamale recipe. Maybe someday I will make them and think of you!
I loved reading this post so I am glad it was saved! Thanks for your lovely comment-it's weird-I have been watching the news all week and like you said about 9/11 couldn't drag myself away. That is why I did the drawing -as a way of expressing how I felt. Your advice is good and I shall heed it thanks!
Sarah x
You are so kind to share your tamale recipe.
I'm so glad you posted the photo of Mimi's Cafe! I miss eating there dearly. We used to sit down for a coffee and breakfast there every weekend :)
What a great list. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your sister. I want to go out to breakfast, it has been a long long time! Mimi's looks wonderful!
I hope you are having a great week! I am going to have to learn how to balance things differently now that I am working!
thanks again!
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