"We become what we think about." ~ Earl Nightingale

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then visit me at my new blog ...

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both self-hosted at WordPress
where I publish as myself
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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Friday, January 8, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Tamales and More

Scroll down for Camera Critters, Pet Pride, Shadow Shots,
Mellow Yellow, Mosaic Monday, & Blog Your Blessings

cooking reflections
annual activity
for the last decade

My sister and I
make tamales yearly at
Christmas time, but this

year we made them late
(yesterday to be exact) ...
views along the way

forgetful, I made
the first three 'the wrong' way ... but
corrected myself

when we counted up
two hundred forty seven
was the end result

Click to embiggen any mosaic for better viewing
and for other participating in
Weekend Reflections

shadowed reflections
on the floor ... of what you say?
look below and see

Molly enjoyed a
greenie while I consumed two
yummy tamales

Straight out of the camera above
and poster edges below

Click to embiggen any mosaic for better viewing
and for other participating in
Camera Critters, Pet Pride, Shadow Shots,
Mellow Yellow & Mosaic Monday too ;-)

Okay ... I admit
I got carried away with
this post, such is life!

"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."
Cherokee Indian Proverb
Although I continue to keep a Daily Gratitude List in my sidebar at Small Reflections, I do enjoy Blogging my Blessings here and this week I'm grateful ...

1. to have my sister at home for a few months before she and her husband head out on their travels.

2. for the sound of the surf (especially as I fall asleep at night) ... the salty scent in the morning when I rise ... and the utterly amazing sunrises and sunsets of late.

3. to find other folks who blog about gratitude ... most recently Lori of Weekly Gratitude and Brenda of It's a New Day & The Gratitude Project.

4. I spent some time with my 'reader' last week ... cleaning house (eliminating blogs no one has posted on in a long time), marking older entries as 'read' & reorganizing entries into functional categories that might help me manage time for blog visits more easily in the future.

5. for people who allow the entire post to be visible in their 'feeds' making it simpler to 'catch up' on several posts ... then click over to comment on one before moving on. I actually deleted a number of blogs that show only a title or a few lines because there's just not enough time to click over to check everything ... seriously!

See my Daily Gratitude List
in the sidebar at Small Reflections
and the lists I've transferred to Happily Retired Gal

What are some blessings in YOUR life currently?
For others who 'Blog Their Blessings'
go to My Blog Rolls and/or click on the
Blog Your Blessings logo

above Really Good Things.
For those who participate in Sacred Life Sunday
click the logo below:
Blessed Be ... and so it is!

Tamale Addendum:
Since several visitors have inquired what we DO with so many tamales ... I thought I'd clarify that we give the steamed 'ready to eat' tamales to family & friends ... usually between Christmas and New Years. This time they're just a little later than usual. Of course we keep some for ourselves to eat ... and we freeze the rest. Once frozen, they keep for several months and defrost quickly in the microwave.

Once upon a time ... long, long ago ... making tamales was something my sister did with a good friend, but after that friend moved away (about a dozen years ago) she enlisted my assistance to continue the practice. Actually, my sister does all the preparatory work ... she cooks the pork a day ahead, buys the masa at a local restaurant and soaks the corn husks before I arrive. All I do is assemble the tamales, and help her get each batch into and out of the steamer. Then I help her clean up when we're finished. Her husband tends to do the 'bagging' and 'deliveries' so it's a family affair.

Thought for Today
"Food is an important part of a balanced diet." Fran Lebowitz


Serendipity said...

Those collages are lovely. What did you do with all those tamales??

GIOVANNI said...

surely you were carried away. LOl!

Anonymous said...

Carried away is an understatement. Nice photo story. Made me hungry and sooo glad I didn't have to clean up your kitchen. I love to cook and hate to clean up but we gotta do what we gotta do...

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...


Karen said...

247 Tamales??!! Wow!! They look so good I almost want to make some myself...but boy does that look like a lot of work! I'd have to find a tamale partner, too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh -- nice post; I just commented somewhere else asking if you were going to share your tamales! And you did! Thanks -- I actually loved the step-by-step photos. Almost as good as eating them; thanks for sharing. What a fun day you had!

Ebie said...

On the first reflection shot, I could see you have an electric stove!
Yes indeed you got carried away, over 200 tamales! I could eat 2 in on sitting!
Have a great weekend with your sis!

Sharon said...

Oh Tamales are the BEST! You're actually the second blogger I've visited today who made tamales... we have a tragic lack of Mexican food in cold, Upstate NY - very hard on us California transplants...

Are they hard? Can you share the recipe??

Carletta said...

You have been BUSY!
That's a lot of tamales. I'm guessing by the plastic bags - do you freeze them?
Lovely mosaics!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Yum! That looks delightfully good.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yum. I can almost smell them. I'm hungry now! May I ask what you will be doing with all of them? It looks like a lot of steps and a lot of work. Are the wrappers corn husks? Really good pictures of all the steps! And the collages are wonderful.

threesidesofcrazy said...

These look awesome - quite a time consuming endeavor. Tamales are still on my "TO DO" list in the near future.

diane b said...

Gosh! I have never heard of them but they look scrumptious. What a wonderful tradition. Reflections good too.

George said...

247 tamales! I'm very impressed. I am glad you kept a few to eat yourself. All of your collages are wonderful in this post. It looks as if Molly is enjoying her greenie.

Thérèse said...

Such a complete post.
Tamales are not my favorites but I eat them with love when going to friends houses at Christmas time...
Very nice collage and thks for visiting...

Ingrid said...

Love the reflection in the cooking pot ! that's very original, never thought about it. I never heard of Tamales and had to look up what it was. From which country comes this recepe and when do you eat it ? as a starter or with drinks ? sounds also as if it is a lot of work, and I am lazy, lol ! Molly's collage is very cute !

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I came to visit shadows, but what a bonus to also enjoy the tamale adventure and post! Thanks!
Fun shadow shots too!

bobbie said...

Very nice shadow, and very beautiful dog!

Joyce said...

Dear Storyteller,
Seeing the pictorial tamale-making process was so much fun! They look perfectly delicious.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog with your kind comments. I'm one who hasn't been posting much, but I aim to post more frequently in this new year!

Hope you have a beautiful day!

Ralph said...

I have never tried (or made) a tamale, I usually discard the corn husks. Either direction looks delicious!. Who couldn't love a gorgeous lab like Molly? She might not like the husks, but the filling would suit her just fine!

Sylvia K said...

Great collages and shadows and yummy tamales! What a great post for the day! Have a great weekend!


Maude Lynn said...

The tamales look divine!

Diane AZ said...

Interesting to see how you assembled the tamales and they sure look delicious. I also like the pictures of Molly with the poster edges. Great post!

Martha Z said...

The poster edges do give a nice artistic effect.
Our neighborhood sometimes makes tomales for Cinco de Mayo. The ladies enjoy the community activity and the guy enjoy the food.

James said...

Food and reflections are two of my favorite subjects. :) Yours look really good. The tamales brought back memories of when I worked in Santa ana. Every Christmas eve the wife of one of my co-workers would bring delicious tamales. That probably doesn't happen anymore since they would be in their 80's and most likely retired.

Chubskulit Rose said...


Please check out the security Kitty

Kat said...

My favorite part of Christmas in Texas is all of the homemade tamales we are gifted with! Clever reflection in the pan. When I saw the multitude of olive cans, I wondered how many you were making - holy cow that's alot of tamales! Enjoy your weekend! Kathy

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful collages and I just love Molly!

rinelle said...

Nice Catch! Mine is up!

Hey Harriet said...

Wow! That's a whole lotta tamales! This post was such a fun feast for the eyes. It had my mouth watering too! A wonderful collection of photos. Happy weekend to you!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So much to see in this wonderful post! Lovely reflections and mosaics and Tamales and puppies and shadows all rolled up into one very pleasant visit.

So nice visiting with you!

Kindly, ldh

Anonymous said...

How nice for Molly to share in the tamale largesse. She looks like a sweetie, all dog.

dianasfaria.com said...

great gratitude list & Molly is such a beauty!

Jim said...

Mmm, I love tamales! Your's look sooooooo scrumptous.
We had a janitor lady at work who made oodles of them and then brought them in to sell.
Those tamales financed a good part of a mission project to Mexico for her every year. She worked all year on them, any time she had some.
Homemade are the best.

Thanks for peeking in on Adi. I am thinking that Molly and her would get along nicely.

Janie said...

Molly looks like she's enjoying her chew -- but maybe she'd rather have a tamale...

Gemma Wiseman said...

Molly looks so cute with her paws up on the ledge! And I've never heard of tamales before! They look scrumptious!

rinzo said...

nice post! godbless.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful family tradition!

Inday said...

That's a lot to prepare I reckon, but if it has been a family tradition, then it is chicken feed.

I did hear about Tamales from a friend without explanation what it is all about. Thank you for featuring it in this post.

I was wondering because the wrapping with a corn husk is not fully covered. It looks like hard work too.

Unfortunately, I cannot eat pork, so if I make it myself, I can substitute it with chicken or beef.

Would love the recipe. Do you mind as a special request to give away your secret? I was told this is Mexican specialty?

I enjoy this very much.

jabblog said...

Molly looks very happy with her greenie. I've never heard of tamales before - they look most appetising!

Martha said...

That's a lot of tamales.

Molly looks so cute. Princess does not like greenies!


Chubby Chieque said...

First of all, wish to have some tamales. Yummy!

Gorgeous Molly seems so nice and very well-behave.

Happy SSS...

Robin said...

Those tamales look delicious. I've never actually tasted one, you don't eat the leaves, right, only the filling?

Jeanne said...

What a wonderful tradition you two have. And of course I LOVE all the pictures of your preparations. Love the pictures of Molly too. I envy your retired status. I find myself at the stage of life where I'm starting to look forward to it myself but 'sadly' still have a ways to go.

Dianne said...

I love your gourmet photo spread!

and the shot of Molly peeking over the counter is precious
she's such a beautiful girl

A Wild Thing said...

Now what am I going to do with this great big hunger for tamales...thanks for the tips!!!

Pam said...

Those tamales look delicious. I would love to make a big plate of these!

Patti said...

The reflection of the stove top in the pot is very creative!

Molly is a great subject for your photography. She looks like she is used to posing for pix.

Thanks for stopping by my blog ~

ramblingwoods said...

I didn't know how they were made so I learned something..I don't know how you manage your blogs, make your wonderful collages and then make time to visit...lovely...Michelle

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Fair golden corn husks
filled with savory spices
and meat---tamales!

Enwreathed in yellow!

Carol said...

Your tamales look fabulous! I took a tamale cooking class once, we made different kinds, and a dessert one that was nice, but making over 200, wow, that's some endeavor! Looks awesome!

Enjoyed your mosaics!

Crafty Green Poet said...

look like tasty tamales, Molly certainly seems to be having fun!

Unknown said...

You weren't kidding when you said you were making tamales!!! Wow! Are those olives in there? Hmmm, different. Hubs tried using egg whites in place of the lard this year, for calorie reasons and believe it or not they turned out good. :)

Mary said...

Wow, what did you do with all those tamales? What wonderful mosaics -- thanks for sharing at MM. :)

Stephanie V said...

Those tamales are a perfect antidote for January blahs! Whether its snow or gray rainy days, these would be a wonderful pick-me-up.

Martha's Favorites said...

You write beautifully and you can make tamales. Truely a super woman. I always enjoy what you have to say, not matter what blog you say it at. Blessings, Martha

sheila said...

Okay, I'm totally bookmarking this post! My relatives were up last summer for a reunion and made tamales! OMG, my first 'real ones'. They look JUST like yours! Now I can make them and use your pics to follow along! THANKS!

Tammie Lee said...

I love seeing the right and wrong way to make these. That is a lot of tamale making. I have made them twice and have fillings like: roasted veggies and goat cheese I can not remember the other ones right now. It has been years. You are so inspired. Yum!

Kim, USA said...

Wow lots of tamales for sure that's very delicious. Thanks for sharing!


Marice said...

wow thats one great post! thanks much for sharing sis!

u may view mine here

Susan Cook said...

Those tamales look great. I've never made them before, and not sure if I've ever had one either.

Sounds like a fun time with your family making them.

Carol said...

I love to see pictures of your sweet Molly!