and Sacred Life Sunday
Appreciating & Extending Personal Creativity

Combining BYBS with Sacred Life Sunday last week was an 'experiment' that seemed to work well ... so I'm doing it again today.
I enjoyed visiting others who 'Blog Blessings on Sunday' last week, and look forward to repeating that this week. I appreciate the warm welcome of the BYBS participants who visited here at Sacred Ruminations and left generous comments after my first effort to share.
I'm posting a bit later in the day than I did last week ... mainly because I wanted to 'catch up' with
One Single Impression posts from
Week 9 before reading the prompt for Week 10 and considering what I might contribute. In addition, I participate in
Camera Critters and Unconscious Mutterings on Sundays on my other blog ... and those visits took time today too. Finally,
Molly is not a pooch to be ignored so naturally we've engaged in 'play time' and taken a couple of walks already.
It's been about 6 months since I started blogging, and last Wednesday, I reached
my 200th post at Small Reflections. In preparing that 'milestone' post, I spent some time revisiting pieces I'd published previously on each of my blogs, and highlighted a few with links to share.
Many of the comments visitors left for me there touched my heart and felt like gifts to my spirit ... and mirror comments left for me on this blog. For those who may be 'new' here, I'm a 63 year old 'happily retired' educator with lots of 'discretionary' time. Many visitors marvel that I can keep up with two blogs. The simple fact is that I've made blogging a priority and devote considerable time to this 'virtual' world activity. It is as simple as that!
I realize my inner critic seldom gives me credit for being creative and I'd like to change that. Perhaps with continued feedback on my blogs I'll learn to be kinder to myself and more appreciative of what I generate. So ... today I'm grateful for a growing awareness of and appreciation for my 'creative talents' and skills which permit me to publish items of interest in this 'virtual' world ... and I'm reminded of a passage I'd like to share with all who pass this way ... so please read on.
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For those who participate in Sacred Life Sunday
click the logo below:

Daily Meditation from
Keepers of the Wisdom
Reflections from Lives Well Lived
by Karen Casey
"Many people think they can't paint, but I think everyone has artistic ability of some kind." Eva Wines
"Many of us probably don't agree with Eva, particularly if we haven't tried to paint or weave or write or throw pots. We mistakenly think that others have talent, never ourselves, but that's because we misunderstand what talent means. Talent is really just an inclination; it develops from a desire to pursue some activity that we then proceed to cultivate with a passion. It's not mysterious. It doesn't just happen. We persevere because we feel good when involved in the activity. When we define talent this way, we realize how right Eva is. It's just that many of us haven't followed our passion yet.
One thing we all have plenty of in this later stage of life is time. While raising children or working, we seldom allowed ourselves much time off to explore the more playful side of our nature. But time is what we have most of now, and we are free to use it as wisely or as frivolously as we choose. Coming to understand that we do, indeed, have talent, that it has simply lain dormant until now, is perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of our lives presently. If we haven't yet realized this, dare to believe it now. it will change every minute of the rest of your life."
"Today is a good day to pursue one of my dreams."
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In closing today, it's clear to me that I've been 'pursuing one of my dreams' as I've created these blogs. I'm no longer the 'closet writer' I used to be and for this I'm exceedingly grateful. In a comment today at Small Reflections, Karen asked if I'd considered writing 'fiction' ... and I responded something to the effect that writing in 3rd person isn't my forte. Perhaps it's time for me to 'challenge' that belief and experiment playfully with the possibility ... just as I've done with my blogging ... and see what happens. Thank you Karen! I'll let you know what happens.
Thought for Today"Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination." William Arthur Ward