My friend Carol returned from her RV travels last week. We've chatted briefly on the phone a couple of times, but she's been busy unloading the RV and taking care of "business" at home. Today we met for lunch at Islands and some shopping at Barnes and Nobel, catching up on events of the past 3 months. I listened to her stories from the road and shared what I've been up to in her absence. She gave me as she always does when she returns ... treasures to let me know I was in her thoughts.
This time there's a "creme brulee" scented candle (what a yummy way to enjoy my favorite dessert w/o calories) ... some "Bag Ladies Tea for Girlfriends" ... a sign for Ms. Kitty that reads "Cats Rule Dogs Drool" ... and a delightful woodcarving of Molly with angel wings (just too precious for words!) signed by Ruth Willett from Elysium Woodcarvings with a tag that reads, "Every animal we create is individually hand carved from native pine and then is hand-painted with permanent colors. Each is one of a kind." I'll take photographs and share them another time, but not tonight. I can't fathom how she finds such "perfect" mementos every time!
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and I have some new books to read & enjoy ... though when I'll get around to them is anyone's guess. She found a few last minute gift items and some red tissue paper for wrapping. Life back to normal feels good, and yet ... here I sit at the computer, wondering what to write & publish tonight.
I just returned a little while ago, catching up with my sister on the phone while driving (using my hands-free ear-piece) and changing into comfy clothes and slippers once I arrived home. Molly's miffed at being by herself all day and since I've not prepared anything for this blog yet, she won't be getting much attention for a while longer. In addition, it's dark out so I don't think we'll be going for a walk until tomorrow. I left her about 11:45 with a "greenie" because bribing her in this way is the only way I can leave without her jumping in the car. She's spoiled and loves to go for a ride.
I just fed her & Ms. Kitty dinner at about 6:16. I'm not hungry, but I've made myself a cup of hot chocolate. Yes, I'm drinking it from a Christmas mug from my collection as I type. Fortunately I did publish 12 (plus one) Random Christmasy Things about myself at Small Reflections earlier this morning after being tagged by Mama Zen. Doing so made my morning more hectic than I'm used to, but tonight it's good to have that blog covered. However, I'm feeling a bit stressed because I've not visited many blogs today, nor have I read and responded to comments left on my blogs this afternoon. Life, it seems, has resumed it's busy pace (eating into my computer time) ... so keeping up with both blogs may prove challenging. One maybe ... but two? What was I thinking when I started all this?
Today's Zen Card reminds me:
"The cause of all suffering is craving. Desire things that YOU do not have, and suffering will follow. Realize this and peace will be YOURS. Suffering will disappear and contentment will reign." Daniel Levin
I ask myself. What do I crave this evening? Time ... to read & respond ... write & publish. However since it's almost 7:oo and I have things to do around the house before sleep, I shall release that "craving" to "end my suffering" and bid you good evening after leaving you with this Blogthing. Since "stressed" is "desserts" spelled backwards I ask ... "What Kind of Pie are You?" and (for what it's worth) I share what I discovered a few days ago while visiting someone else's blog.
You Are Mud Pie |
![]() You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth. You are overpowering and dominant - and that's what people like about you. You bring energy and a new direction to most interactions. People crave you in a serious way. You're that important to them. Those who like you give into their impulses. You don't represent reason. You represent pure temptation. People get addicted to you rather easily. You offer people a dark side that is very hard to resist. |
Stressed is desserts spelled backwards! I love that! Bring on the chocolate!
Mama Zen - I thought you'd like this. Actually, now that I think of it Chocolate (and sugary sweets) also make ME sleepy these days. I hope you get a good night's rest soon.
Hugs and blessings,
i'm cream pie. hope you had a lovely evening!
Lucy – delicious! I did thanks :)
Hugs and blessings,
Hilarious! As I was reading it (before taking the quiz) it popped into my mind "Lemon Meringue"--and sure enough, I took the quiz and came up "Lemon Meringue." I'm sassy and sweet and know how to brighten someone's mood without being sappy. True! It also said something about having a slightly bitter outlook--but that feels true too.
Karen - that's weird, but I guess your intuition was "right on" ... and somehow "lemon meringue" fits for you. So ... I wonder what the other pie options might include? Apple ... cherry ... pumpkin ... pecan? Hopefully we'll find out with more visitors. Looks like you're playing catch-up again today. When does your company arrive?
Hugs and blessings,
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